Today, I am here to answer one essential question that almost all c-section moms have, and nobody is talking about. Why is my c-section scar itching and how can I stop it?
I remember going home from my c-section still feeling a little bit dazed and amazed that I was expected to watch over myself and a newborn. I remember thinking wait, you all think I can do this? But how?
I had so many questions, but not really the words or knowledge to actually formulate them into the questions that would get my needs answered. So, thus me, my husband, my baby, and our 2 pages of info sheets about what to watch out for when we got home, left the hospital and returned home.
Since my coveted info sheet had nothing about c-section scars itching on it, I grit my teeth and bared it for nearly a year before I learned there is actually something quite simple you can do about this problem.
This is the one thing you should have been told about, but weren’t, that will help you stop that itching scar once and for all.
Why Is My C-Section Scar Itching?

It is perfectly normal for your c-section scar to itch both when it is healing and years later. Here is what you need to know about why your c-section scar is itching and what you can do about it.
Your C-Section Scar Itches In The Beginning Because It Is Part Of The Healing Process
Deep wounds like c-section scars can actually take years to fully heal. Even though you will be back to your normal life in about 6 weeks, your incision site will continue to change over the next couple of years.
A strong itching sensation in the early days is a part of the wound healing process. Your scar itself, or the place the scar will be, does not have any nerve endings. However, there is a lot going on around the nerves that surround the areas above and below your scar area. This is the action that is causing itchiness.
Do you have more questions about what c-section recovery is like? Find answers to your most important questions today.
An Almost Too Detailed Description Of Why Your Scar Itches In The Early Days

Stay with me for just a minute. The would healing progress takes place in 3 stages. The first stage is inflammation, where your body is immediately working to clot and constrict blood flow in the veins where you are bleeding. This is where you build an initial scaffolding for your overall healing. This is about the first 3 days of your healing.
The second stage is called proliferation. This phase starts approximately 3 to 10 days after injury and takes days or weeks to complete. In this phase, a new vascular network is formed which provides nutrient delivery, gas, and metabolite exchange to the tissues in the area. This is also when collagen binds your skin together and forms a scar that won’t reopen.
The last stage is called remodeling. It starts around day 21 and can last for up to a year. This is when stronger collagen is laid around the wound site and you regain much of your strength and flexibility in the area.
C-section scar itching comes from sensations your nerve endings are picking up during this process. In the beginning, it is simply a side effect of your body healing.
Your C-Section Scar Itches Later On Because Of Scar Tissue And Adhesions
You would think that once your wound is healed it is healed. Yay! Your neve ending can get a break and stop itching. But, that’s not what happens.
The collagen that forms scar tissues is not as flexible or as strong the tissue that was there before. As you go about life, this new tissue will have to be stretched and strengthened. You will find that this will cause itchiness as well.
The stretching and movement of the scar tissues next to normal tissue will also cause an itching sensation. This is why you might feel that your c-section scar itches even years after your belly birth.
Increasing the mobility of your scar tissue is also an important step to reducing a c-section pooch or overhand as well.
Is My C-Section Scar Infected If It Is Itchy?
If your only symptom is itchiness at your scar site, your scar is not likely infected. Signs of infection are severe abdominal pain, increased redness at the incision site, swelling, pus or discharge or a fever. If you have these symptoms call your doctor.
How Can You Stop Your C-Section Scar From Itching?

C-Section Scar Treatment In The First Six Weeks
C-section scar treatment is quite simple. In the early days, you want to rest, go for short walks , and eat very healthy food. Vitamin C, in particular, is important for wound healing.
You want to give time for your body to close the wound and make the scar tissue that will keep your incision firmly closed for the rest of your life.
During this time, you can place a salve or essential oil blend on your scar. You want to be gentle, not working the skin too much.
Earth Mama Organics makes a wonderful c-section cream that you can begin to put on your scar just a few days after your surgery. This should keep it from drying out too much and aid with initial healing. Of course, talk to your doctor before you apply anything.
Many moms struggle with reconnecting to this area of their body. A very gentle touch with a salve is a great way to reunite and show love to your birth wounds in the first six weeks.
My favorite tool to help reduce c-section scar itchiness in the early days is an organic balm such as this one by Earth Mama Organics.

C-Section Scar Treatment After Six Weeks
After your steri-strips have fallen off or the glue used to hold your incision sites have dissolved, you can begin a c-section scar massage. The goal of a c-section scar massage is to help the body continue to normalize the scar tissue by building more capillaries and movement to the area. Scar tissue can extend deep into your skin.
Multiple studies have shown that scars treated with gentle massage heal better, are less itchy, and have less pain.
Many moms are surprised by how ungentle a c-section scar massage can be. You do not want to do anything that hurs or causes pain. However, you do want to tug and move your tissue around at all different layers. See below for videos on exactly he o to do this safely.
Why Does Massage Help Relieve C-Section Scar Itchiness?

When you massage your scar, you are helping the body normalize the scar area. The collagen the body creates to hold everything back together has a different structure than your normal tissues. When you massage the scar, you help reorganize the collagen scar tissue into a similar pattern as normal tissue. This helps the scar move a stretch more like the skin around it.
Massage also reduces adheasions. Adhesions are where the scar tissue has attached onto other closeby instructions such as yoru bladder or your uterus. If left alone, this can lead to reduced blood flow, nerve irritation, and pain.
In other words, if you want your scar tissue to return to normal, not just on the top of your skin, but in the underlying layers of your body as well. You need to do a regular scar massage. This will reduce itchiness, nerve irritation, and pain.
How To Do A C-Section Massage To Reduce Itchiness
There are a few different techniques you can do tfor an effective c-sections massage. They are:
- Make small circle movements above and below the scar along the length of your scar. First, do this lightly touching your skin. Then go over a couple more times adding pressure each time.
- Place one finger down on your scar. Place your second finger above it and while gently pressing, move your finger upwards about an inch. Do the same moving downwards. Do this along the whole length of your scar.
- Place two fingers above your scar and gently move them side to side in a small backend forth motion as if you were tickling the area. Lift, move fingers, and repeat. This is almost like a tickling motion.
- Pinch and roll the skin between your fingers.
Experts Sho You How to Do A C-Section Massage
Lynn Shulte is a Physical Therapist and the creator of the Institute for Birth Healing. In this video, she goes over how to massage your c-section scar. She also reviews how this will help not only with scar itchiness but to help heal other common complaints after a c-section such as having to go to the bathroom more often, low back pain, and painful intercourse.
Dr. Nuchelle Gurule is a Chiropractor and advocate for women’s health. You can find her @gaiahealth on Instagram. In this video, she goes over how to massage your c-section scar to reduce itchiness by increasing the mobility o the scar tissue.
What If You Feel Like The Adhesions Are Too Deep For You To Relieve On Your Own
If you are massaging your scar regularly and you feel that you are not making progress relieving itchiness or pain, there is help available. Maya Abdominal Massage is a specific form of massage that can help your body break up deep adhesions and scar tissues. If you are a Seattle mom, we have several great practitioners in the area. If you live elsewhere google Maya Abdominal Massage to find someone near you.
“There’s No Way I’m Touching My Scar Like That!”
I hear you, sometimes reconnecting with this area of your body means you have to reconnect with the emotions that go along with it. It is okay to start by talking with a therapist. You may also just begin with putting cream or oil on your abdomen, then scar, and then work your way up from there. Start where you are and just practice developing a mindset of exploration. You will be surprised how much opens up to you as you explore a little here and explore a little there.
TL/DR of C-Section Scar Itching Problems
To summarize what you should do about your c-section scar itching is simply to take care of your scar through
- A healthy diet full of whole food vitamin c while you are healing.
- Using a slave or balm over your scar during the first 6 weeks.
- Increasing the intensity and adding a c-section massage after 6 weeks or when your doctor says your wound is healed.
Let me know if this article was helpful and if you have tried massage to reduce your c-section scar itchiness.
The post The Untapped Strategy You Need To Stop Your C-Section Scar From Itching Today appeared first on She Births Bravely.
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