Sunday, January 24, 2021

Hypnobirthing Basics: The Essentials You Need For A Joyful Birth

The hugely anticipated day that you give birth to your baby is coming – and you want it to be amazing. When it comes to your birth, you want it to be easy, straightforward, calm, natural, and if possible, low on the pain scale or even painless.

You also know that for many, birth can feel out of control, scary, intimidating, and be hard to cope with emotionally and physically. The hypnobirthing method promises to help you move from out of control to calm and centered.

This guide will go over the hypnobirthing basics so you can see if it’s something you are interested in. For a more detailed explanation, including if it works, check out these in-depth articles Hypnobirthing Explained and Hypnobirthing Techniques.

Hypnobirthing 101: What Is Hypnobirthing Helping You Accomplish?

A hypnobirthing birth is just like any other birth. You prepare, you feel labor begin, labor grows in intensity, it becomes challenging and hard, eventually, your baby moves down, you begin to push, and then wondrously, your baby is there, in your arms on your chest. This amazing thing has happened – you had a baby. And now they are yours. You did it!

Hypnobirthing aims to make this awesomely intense event as pain-free and accessible as possible. And what I mean by that is at the basic level, hypnobirthing helps you prepare for birth by training your mind and body to be calm, even in the presence of great intensity.

While many moms who prepare for birth using the hypnobirthing method are preparing for a natural birth, this method can be used for any kind of birth. Hypnobirthing techniques can prepare a mom to deal with anxieties around receiving pain medications, being in the hospital if that is a scary place for her to be, dealing with pain, even coping with a c-section.

The Most Essential Hypnobirthing Basic

basic hypnobirthing lessons

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. I participate in the Amazon associates program as well as others.

To truly understand the basics of hypnobirthing you have to understand one fact about the body. The most important belief in hypnobirthing is that your body is designed to give birth. Birth is not meant to be painful. Your muscles know what to do, and giving birth is simply work, just like any other work you do with your body.

However, when you feel fear, your body releases a series of stress hormones that constrict your body and cause the immense and overwhelming pain that is part of the mainstream view of birth.

When you learn to use breath, relaxation techniques, and to use self-hypnosis to put yourself into a dream-like state during birth, your birth will be less painful and can progress in a euphoric and empowering way.

Hypnobirthing Basics That Help You Take Charge Of Your Birth

One of the things I’ve come to learn in life is that a worthy goal is worth putting time and effort into accomplishing. And, when it comes to birth, there isn’t really anything more worthy of time and effort.

When you take a hypnobirthing class, you learn 5 key things:

1. Nature Designed Your Body Perfectly To Give Birth

One of the most beautiful things about hypnobirthing is how it guides you to look within yourself for solutions. You are a mammal, and just like all mammals, you can give birth. In nature, animals don’t fear giving birth. They do not doubt their ability to give birth. They just do it.

Your body is perfectly designed through evolution to be able to give birth to your baby. It is meant to be a peaceful and empowering process that bonds you with your baby and leads to a deep love that will inspire you to protect and nurture this new child.

Birth is meant to be an empowering and positive event in your life. I love Kait’s description of this in her youtube video about Hypnobirthing. If you are planning for a calm birth, this is definitely a great resource to listen to.

2. Rapid And Instant Relaxation Techniques

When you take a hypnobirthing class, you are going to be doing a lot of internal work. Learning how to stay calm and centered in the midst of a big event takes practice and attention to detail. You will spend a lot of time practicing hypnobirthing breathing techniques.

One of these techniques is a deep inhale,, followed by holding the breath for a moment and a long slow exhale. Though it sounds simple, This breathing method quickly relaxes your body and clears your body of stress hormones. You can learn more about it in my Birth Secrets mini-course or any hypnobirthing course.

You will also learn how to put yourself into a state of deep relaxation using affirmations and audio cues.

When you are in a state of deep relaxation, you can allow your body to do its work, without fighting against it. Your pain will be less, and you may even reduce your risk for certain complications.

3. How To Build Connection Within Your Family Through Birth

One of the things I adore about hypnobirthing classes is the way they prepare the whole family unit to grow and work together through this big change. You learn ways to connect with and bond with your baby, even before they are born.

Even more importantly, partners usually come out of these classes with tools to support a mother with gentle massage and aromatherapy throughout the birth. You also learn great skills for communicating with your partner, so that they know what you need in each moment.

3 Easy ways a partner can support a mother through birth are:

  1. Encouraging mom to drink water or electrolyte drinks after each contraction.
  2. Learning and practicing supportive words and cues that will help a mother relax. Common phrases are Peace and Open. You can learn other supportive words with this list of birth affirmations.
  3. Providing counter pressure to a mom’s lower back if she feels pain there.

Of course, the hypnobirthing book or a class would help a partner fully develop these skills.

4. What To Expect Through Birth

One of the best ways to dispel fear is by gaining knowledge. It’s easy to fear what you don’t understand or are afraid to look at. In a hypnobirthing class, you learn what is actually happening during labor.

For example, you learn what causes a contraction, which is all about what your uterus and cervix are doing during birth. You will also learn what a contraction feels like. Specifically, you will learn how to work with the rise and fall, and wave-like feeling of pressure during labor.

And you also learn how to use language to help you more positively frame what is happening. So instead of calling a contraction a contraction, you might call it a pressure wave. This helps you associate the sensation of labor with something other than pain, which will actually help you feel less pain.

5. Practical Things You Can Do To Make Birth Easier As You Go

Most hypnobirthing classes will teach you the basics about birth. Such as good positions to labor in. Typically they want you upright and moving or on all fours.

You will also learn how to time a contraction when to go to the hospital (when your contractions are 4 minutes apart last a minute long and have been that way for an hour.) And sometimes you will learn exercises or stretches that will help your body during birth.

One important thing to know is that your body is shaped like a J. this means that your baby must come down, then up through your pelvis. If you are laying flat on your back, this makes your pelvis 40% smaller and makes it more difficult and longer to birth yoru baby.

3 positions encouraged in the hypnobirthing method are:

  • Standing upright with your arms around your partner as if you are slow dancing
  • On all fours leaning forward on a birth ball or, chair or the floor (think child’s pose if you do yoga)
  • Sitting on a birth ball and gently moving your hips backwards and forwards.

How Much Time Do You Need To Devote To Hypnobirthing?

hypnobirthing basics hypnobirthing 101

One of the most basic things to understand about hypnobirthing is that it is a very time intensive method. Moms should begin classes as soon as they reach the second trimester. This is true for all birthing classes, including Lamaze and Bradley classes.

Hypnobirthing, unlike other classes, is a more lifestyle type of class. Many of the hypnobirthing techniques revolve around avoiding or resolving negativity, learning to think positively, and learning to find inner peace and be less reactionary.

While these things may sound a little out there, there is plenty of evidence that moms learning to deal with stress early on in a child’s life helps the child in every stage of their life.

Most women try to devote an hour to practicing self-hypnosis every day with the hypnobirthing program. This means they are daily listening to scripts, letting themselves move in and out of super relaxed states, and preparing for birth a little at a time.

Hypnobirthing classes are usually 2.5 hours long for 5 sessions. They typically cost $300-$400. Prices can go up if they are individual classes

A Common Hypnobirthing Myth

While hypnobirthing can be a powerful way to prepare for birth, there is a some common myths that may help you decide if it is for you or not.

If I am hypnotized, I will be easy to manipulate or out of control

Many people associate hypnosis with stage hypnotist where a magician or other con artist type person encourages a person to do something like bark like a dog or flirt with a stranger that they would never do in their normal consciousness.s. This is not at all what hypnobirthing is about.

A hypnobirthing basic is that self-hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness that people drift in and out of regularly. You would recognizethis as the moment before you fall asleep where your mind is relaxed and not really focused on anything, but if you needed to become alert quickly you could .

With hypnobirthing, you will always be able to be alert and present when you need to make decisions or interact with doctors. You will then return to a naturally relaxed state using your own cues and skills you have developed.

Hypnobirthing Basics Summary

I hope this article helped you understand the hypnoibrthing basics. Hypnobirthing helps you acheive a calm and relaxed birth. Most hypnobirthing moms are working towards natural birth, but it can be used for other types of births as well.

When you practice hypnobirthing, you are really beginning the practice of getting into an incredibly relaxed state so that your body can do the work of birthing your baby.

The goal is that you feel relaxed, calm and centered while you give birth. Feeling these things will also likely decrease the amount of pain you feel during labor. In fact, some moms, though certainly not all moms claim pain-free births from the hypnobirthing method. Other moms are still surprised by how painful and intense birth is, even when they are well prepared.

If you have any other questions about hypnobirthing, a great place to start is the hypnobirthing book.

The post Hypnobirthing Basics: The Essentials You Need For A Joyful Birth appeared first on She Births Bravely.


Congratulations! You Are Going To Have The Best Baby Registry

Your baby is about to arrive and your family and friends are looking to give you gifts. (YAY!)The best way to ensure you get the products that you will actually need and use? Make a baby registry.

A baby registry makes it easy for your friends and relatives to pick the right gift for your baby. It’s so much better than the random gifts people give when they don’t know what you need.

Moreover, you need a lot of different items to prepare for the arrival of your little one. A baby registry also helps you organize and keep track of the things you need.

But with so many registries out there and so many items to choose from, it can get pretty confusing. This article is your ultimate guide to choosing the best baby registry.

What Is A Baby Registry?

You likely are familiar with what a baby registry is and how it works. But, if not, here is a quick reminder.

A baby registry is essentially a list of items or gifts you would like to receive to help with your baby’s first year of life. It is usually created online on any online store such as Amazon or Target, etc. that offers a baby registry. You can add any product to the list that you think will help you once your baby arrives. Usually this is items such as baby suits, rompers, rocker, car seat, etc. (given that it is offered by the store),

Once you’ve created the baby registry, you can share it with your loved ones. I’ve even seen colleagues and neighbors asking for it.

When someone wants to buy something from the list, they will visit your online baby registry and pick an item or items they would like to gift you. Once an item is purchased, the store will remove it from the list automatically. This ensures you don’t get the same item twice or thrice.

With your baby registry, you can also see which items people have already purchased. Then you can plan accordingly to buy the remaining items. Often, you can get a discount for items you buy off of your own registry.

Choosing the Best Baby Registry For You

moms talking about best baby registries and smiling

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. I participate in the Amazon associates program as well as others.

I’ve seen people spending hours upon hours searching which baby registry is best. I’ve been one of them and trust me it can be pretty exhausting!

But what you need to know is that what works for one person may not work for you. That’s to say, the best baby registry varies from parent to parent.

First of all, you need to consider whether the store you’re looking to create the baby registry at offers all the items you want. Sometimes you want an item such as a crib or stroller from a specific brand. If so, you also need to make sure the store offers that particular item or if it has the option to add items from other stores.

Secondly, it is important to consider if it is easy to create and manage the registry. You should also keep the ease of your friends and family in your mind. For example, if you’re adding expensive items like a stroller, crib, rocker, etc. to the list, you can opt for a registry that offers group gifting where several people can contribute to purchase one item.

Another feature to look for is discounts and promotions. Many registries offer discounts that can be one-time or limited time, so you can buy the remaining items in the list at a lower price. Some stores also offer free samples and coupons when you register with them and who doesn’t love freebies?  Returns and free shipping are two other factors that you might want to consider.

But keep in mind you may not find all these perks at one store. In the end, it all depends on your preferences. That being said, you can also create more than one baby registry. However, managing multiple registries definitely makes the process more complex. I don’t think you will need to do that with these options.

The 3 Most Popular (And Honestly – Best) Baby Registries

Amazon Baby Registry: Best For When Your Family Is Spread Out

best baby registry amazon vs target baby basket with toys

When it comes to anything related to online retailing, Amazon is always at the top. The same is the case with the baby registry. You must have heard from many friends that it is the best baby registry. Rightly so! Amazon is the biggest online retailer. It has almost anything you might want whether it is baby-related or not. It also gives you access to all of your favorite brands.

Perks And Benefits Of The Amazon Registry

  • Discounts: If you’re a Prime member, you will get a 15% completion discount on one purchase of the remaining products you buy from your baby registry. For non-prime members, Amazon offers a 10% discount which is still good enough. You can redeem the discount anytime between the 60 days before and after your due date. Another great discount offered by Amazon is the diaper discount through which you get 20% off on diapers throughout the first year after your baby is born if you have a total purchase of at least $500 through your baby registry.
  • Free Shipping: Prime members get free two-day shipping whereas, for non-prime members, free shipping is available on orders above $25.
  • Free samples: You get a free sample box consisting of items, mostly sample size, for the baby as well as the parents-to-be so you can test them when your baby arrives. It is a surprise gift box and Amazon sends a mix of different items to different registry holders. But it isn’t available as soon as you’ve signed up. This welcome box is sent to you if you meet the following requirements.
    • you’re a Prime member,
    • have added at least one item from each category of the Amazon checklist to your registry and
    • someone has bought an item of $10 or more from your registry.
  • Group Gifting: This option makes it easy for your friends, family members, or colleagues to collectively buy a single/ expensive item for you.
  • Returns: If you want to return something you’ve purchased, you can do so within 90 days of purchase. You have an entire 365 days to return gifts from your list purchased by someone else. And you don’t have to worry about the gift giver finding out that you’ve returned the item. Amazon gives you a credit directly to your account so you can buy something else.
  • Universal registry: This is one of the most loved features of the Amazon baby registry. It allows you to add items to your list from other stores as well.

Cons Of The Amazon Baby Registry

The Amazon baby registry has some amazing perks. But, it’s not perfect. It can be a bit difficult to find the baby registry sign-up page (which is right here!). The universal registry button can also be difficult to find.

The biggest drawback is that some of the perks are only available to Prime members. If you’re not an Amazon Prime member, I highly recommend going straight to the Target registry.

Target Baby Registry: Best For Trendy Moms

Target has more than 1800 stores making it pretty accessible. Its online baby registry is also super easy to navigate. Unlike Amazon, you do not have to be a prime meber to receive most or any of the perks. Target also has some of the cutest and trendiest baby gear on the market all in one place. This is why we think that Target is one of the best baby registries for trendy moms.

Perks And Benefits Of The Target Baby Registry

  • Discounts: You get an 8% discount on items left on your list. You can redeem it around 8 weeks before your expected due date. You’ll get a notification in terms of an email by Target to let you know when you can get the discount (available only for one day). Target also offers tons of deals, including one-year exclusive deals on baby items.
  • Free Shipping: Free two-day shipping is available on orders of $35 or above. You can also get free shipping on many items if you have Target RedCard™.
  • Free Gift Box: You get an amazing free welcome kit worth around $120. The kit has great items for the mom and the baby and it is available as soon as you create your baby registry.
  • Group Gifting: A great perk for your friends and family to contribute towards a single gift.
  • Returns: Target offers a special return policy for the baby registry through which you can return the items in your registry within a year after the arrival of your baby. But don’t take off the tags or open the items that you want to return.
  • Universal Registry: All you have to do is add the universal registry button to your bookmark bar and then you can add any item from other sites to your Target baby registry. You can all add a message for your loved ones who visit your registry.
  • Checklist: You get a checklist by Target consisting of all the baby essentials divided into different categories. This ensures that you don’t skip any important item.
  • Gift Tracker: With this feature, you can keep an eye on which item has been purchased for you and by whom. You can also send a note to thank them for their gifts.

Cons Of The Target Baby Registry

The Target Baby Registry is one of the best baby registries out there. However, be aware that the welcome kit is only available if you go into the store to create your registry. Gifts also have to be returned in person, unlike Amazon, where you just print out a return tag and send it back with credit added directly to your account.

Buy Buy Baby Registry: Best Baby Registry For Large Purchases

Buy Buy Baby specifically offers baby-related products. It has a huge collection which means you have a great variety of options. One of the things I love about Buy Buy Baby is their furniture. If you are specifically looking for furniture on your list, this is a great place to start. because you can see it in person before you purchase. However, this baby registry has more con than the others, so make sure to consider them before you make this your primary baby registry.

Perks And Benefits Of The Buy Buy Baby Baby Registry

  • Discounts: Buy Buy Baby offers a 15% completion discount which means you will get 15% off on the items left on your registry list a few weeks before your baby is expected to arrive. And you can also use your 20% Bed Bath & Beyond coupons at the Buy Buy Baby registry.
  • Free Shipping: Buy Buy baby registry has one of the best free shipping policies. Once a purchase of $1500 or above has been made on your registry, you can avail unlimited free shipping throughout the first year after the arrival of your baby.
  • Free Samples: You get freebies and coupons from buy buy Baby once you register with them but they aren’t available online which means you have to visit the store to get your freebies.
  • Checklist: With the Buy Buy Baby checklist, you can make it easy for yourself to keep track of which items you want and if you are missing any baby essentials.
  • Gift Tracking: You can track who purchased a particular item from your list and send him/her a thank you note.

Cons Of The Buy Buy Baby Registry

First of all, it doesn’t offer a universal registry, which means you can only purchase items that are available at Buy Buy Baby. Secondly, there is no group gifting option, so your friends will have to manage on their own if they want to purchase a single item collectively. Lastly, the goody bag and coupons are not available online, so you have to visit the store if you want to avail them

When Is The Best Time To Create A Baby Registry?

baby gear from a baby registry bag, toys, crib

I’ll be honest, there is no hard and fast rule for when you should set up a baby registry. You can create it anytime you want or whenever you have enough time.

But, don’t be too late because you would want to add all the baby essentials to the list and you might not be able to think of them at once.

Some people start creating the list as early as the end of the first trimester and there is nothing wrong with it, but I suggest the best time is by the mid of your second trimester. Now, why do I recommend this?

Because you will know the gender of your baby by that time, that is of course if you want to know it in advance, and still have plenty of time to think of all the essential items. Not to mention, this way your friends and family will also have enough time to pick the gift they want to give you.

Is A Baby Registry Free?

mom with newborn and toys from her baby registry

Yes, creating a baby registry is absolutely free. Companies know that when you have a baby, you need a lot of gear. They are happy to compete for your money by making it easy for you to share your needs and wants with your friends and family who are waiting to spoil you!

What Should You Include On A Baby Registry?

Luckily baby registries have checklists to help you figure out what items to add to your list. However, you want to make sure that you include items you will need in the first year of parenting.

These items should help you get the stuff you need to provide a safe sleeping place for your baby, to support you either breastfeeding or bottle-feeding or both, help you keep your baby dressed and stylish in the first year, and often, help you get the first toys and library items for your baby. You can see our favorite baby registry must-haves here.

Choosing Between Amazon vs Target Baby Registry

By far, the best two baby registries out there are Amazon and Target. When it comes to choosing between Amazon and Target, it’s important to ask these questions.

Are you already a Prime member? If so, I recommend Amazon. If not, go with Target.

Are registering for a lot of clothes? Then you need to ask yourself if you need to see them in person or not. Target makes it easier to find (and see) the cutest clothes, but Amazon has a larger selection.

Will you be buying a lot of items personally from your registry? Both comapnies offer a discount to you for purchasing off your own registry. Remember, this is a one-time use offer, so put all your items in one order and plan for this purchase. However, Amazon gives much more flexibility as to when you can redeem this coupon. Amazon also offers a higher discount, so you will save more money gearing up with this registry.

When it comes to the welcome box, Target’s welcome box is definitely superior to Amazon’s. However, you have to go in in person to get it, which is a bit less convenient.

Overall, my pick is always Amazon because of convience, savings, and ease of use. But, Target is pretty great as well. Especially if you want that welcome box!

Are You Ready To Get Started?

The post Congratulations! You Are Going To Have The Best Baby Registry appeared first on She Births Bravely.


Saturday, January 9, 2021

7 Hypnobirthing Techniques That Will Help You Achieve A Calm Birth

Are you wondering how you can use hypnobirthing techniques to achieve a calm and natural birth? This guide will get you started with exactly how to use hypnobirthing techniques so that you can feel relaxed and calm through your delivery.

The thing I love about hypnobirthing is that it truly empowers moms to work with their birth. Instead of feeling like they are caught in a crazy dangerous storm during birth, hypnobirthing moms usually feel safe and secure.

This allows their bodies to relax. A relaxed body works effectively. When a mom is relaxed and her body is working effectively, it is more than probable that her birth will be a joyful and peaceful event.

But, a calm, centered birth doesn’t usually come on its own. Like anything of value, practice, intention, and purpose all need to go into creating a beautiful and rewarding birth experience.

These hypnobirthing techniques will give you a place to begin your preparation for a birth experience you will cherish forever.

What Are Hypnobirthing Techniques?

Hypnobirthing is based on the belief that childbirth is a natural and normal event. Although in rare cases, birth may need medical assistance, in general, every woman is made to give birth in the same primal and instinctual way any mammal is made to give birth.

Hypnobirthing techniques are practices that you can do that will help you connect with the resources inside of you that are already ready to give birth. These practices will help you understand and trust your body. They will help you have confidence in yourself and your own ability to give birth fearlessly, and maybe even painlessly.

If you are curious about where hypnobirthing came from and want more information about why these practices were made and how they work, check out the full comprehensive article Hypnobirthing Explained.

Why Do Hypnobirthing Techniques Help You?

woman practicing hypnobirthing meditation technique

As you prepare for birth, I am sure you have heard a wide array of stories. Some sound very frightening and scary, while others sound empowering and joyful. Birth can and does affect every woman differently. But, when you prepare for a positive birth, you are much more likely to have a positive birth.

Marie Mongan, the creator of the Hypnobirthing technique, taught that pain does not have to be apart of birth. She believes that pain is mainly caused by fear. When you prepare for birth in a way that removes fear, you reduce pain and complications.

Hypnobirthing techniques are built on three pillars that help you with that goal. These pillars are:

  1. You need to obtain a sense of deep relaxation through self-hypnosis and breathing techniques so that you can allow your body to do its job during birth.
  2. Positively reframe what is happening during birth in your mind so that you can accept the intensity of birth and surrender to it.
  3. Acquire education about the process of birth so that you can make decisions that protect you and your baby and allow birth to unfold without intervention whenever possible.

Hypnobirthing techniques are one of the most effective ways to be prepared for the challenges that are part of labor.

7 Hypnobirthing Techniques To Practice Daily

1. Replace Your Fears Of Giving Birth With Trust In your Body

Most women have never been exposed to positive birth stories and have layers of fear when it comes to birth. An essential part of preparing for birth is coming to know the miraculous abilities of the female body to create life and bring it into the world.

This means asking yourself questions about your own beliefs about what birth is really like and then seeking out real stories and real experiences that might expand your thinking. This may mean reading pregnancy books or watching videos of other women sharing their birth stories.

When you expand your knowledge, you can think rationally and clearly about birth and hold a positive expectation for the experience ahead of you.

2. Recognize And Release Body Shame

Many women have been taught to feel a sense of shame about their bodies. Especially when it comes to anything that has to do with sex, birth, or anything that involves the more feminine parts of the body. Spending time learning about birth and how your body is made to give birth is a crucial part of the hypnobirthing process. Practicing gratitude for your body and its power is a key hypnobirthing technique.

This can look like nurturing your body with gentle massages. Or it may look like using affirmations like “I trust my body.” Spending purposeful time holding gratitude, love, and attention for your body is a key and often overlooked part of hypnobirthing.

3. Avoid Negativity

cute baby hypnobirthing birth techniques

Often, hypnobirthing moms create a bubble of peace or positivity around them. Yes, this sounds a little woo, but science has clearly shown that stress affects a growing baby, even within your womb.

In the hypnobirthing world, this means saying no to things that are intrinsically stressful like watching the news, people or events that drain you, and even TV shows that needlessly stress you out or give you nightmares.

In a more practical term, this also means looking to understand what is causing the most stress in your life and taking simple steps to resolve the underlying problems of those unique stressors.

4. Practice Self Hypnosis Before Bed

One of the most important parts of hypnobirthing is the belief that the body achieves what the mind believes. In hypnobirthing, one important technique is to practice self-hypnosis or listen to positive birth affirmations as you go to sleep. The point is to completely rewrite your subconscious beliefs about birth.

That way, when labor begins, you can welcome it with softness. Many moms end up fighting against labor because they are afraid of its intensity or of the complications they have spent months dreading. With self-hypnosis and positive affirmations, moms learn to accept, allow, and work with the forces of labor.

5. Breath Slow And In Control While You Are Dilating

If you are preparing for a hypnobirth, you will want to practice this hypnobirthing breathing technique. In fact, I teach very specifically how to do this in my mini-course Birth Secrets.

But essentially, you want to take in a deep breath, one that fills your diaphragm and belly. Then, you hold it in for just a moment. And lastly, you slowly and intentionally release it to either 6 or 8 counts. Your exhale should be about twice as long as your inhale.

This helps you activate your parasympathetic nervous system. Which is a long way to say it helps you relax and let go. When you practice this type of breathing before birth, not only do you get better at it, but you also train your body to complete cycles of stress more efficiently.

The more efficient you are at removing stress from your body the less pain you will experience during birth. So this is a great hypnobirthing technique to practice regularly.

6. Use J Breathing When You Are Pushing

J breathing is the hypnobirthing technique you should use when you feel the urge to push your baby out. Your body will naturally start bearing down during contractions. You want to allow your body to push in the way that feels the most natural to your body.

The J breath is a way to help you focus, stay calm, and stay in control as you push. When you are breathing this way, you are using your breath to visualize pushing your baby down and then up – like in the shape of a J. Think down, and then in your arms.

To do a J-breath you simply start by taking a deep breath. Instead of immediately letting it out, you almost lock your breath in your chest, while you give a gentle push out. You are visualizing pushing the breath down and pushing your baby out. Then you release and go again.

You should never feel like you are holding your breath or straining your face or upper body while pushing. For more information on how to push a baby out and what muscles to use, check out this article.

7. Create A Calm And Relaxing Environment

One hypnobirthing technique that is often overlooked is setting the stage for birth. Just like a romantic night helps you feel more in the mood for intimacy with your partner, carefully preparing the environment you give birth in can help you stay focused on the process at hand. This means different things to different moms.

Most hypnobirthing moms like to prepare visuals with their favorite affirmations, turn the lights down in the room, make sure the temperature is comfortable, that the clothes they are wearing are comfortable (goodbye hospital gown) and that there is music playing that helps them stay calm and relaxed.

Some moms also choose scents like lavender, clary sage, or bergamot to diffuse into their room as well.

What would make a peaceful envirmonment for you?

Who Should Practice Hypnobirthing?

Woman Doing Hypnobirthing Techniques

In my experience as a doula, I have seen that these can be very effective tools for some moms and not very helpful for others. While all birthing classes will teach about breathing, relaxing, and coping with pain, they each have a different style.

Hypnobirthing is perfect for a mom who has a quiet or inward reaction to stress. It takes much practice to be able to maintain a sense of peace through the intensity of birth. If you area person who handles stress by going inwards and focusing deeply, hypnobirthing is perfect for you!

If you are more active and outward, check out other styles of birthing classes, such as Lamaze and Bradley classes here.

Hypnobirthing Techniques Conclusion

In the hypnobirthing philosophy, most births do not have to be medical events. As such, you can create an experience that feels sweet, tender, and peaceful. These techniques will help you do the things that will create a positive and joyful experience.

But, I want to give a simple word of warning, the hypnobirthing technique can be very effective at helping you have a positive birth. But, it is not a guarantee of an outcome or specific unfolding of your birth. Keep an open mind and a sense of exploration and discovery when it comes to birth. Because every birth is its own story.

May your birth be beautiful and joyful,

Thank you for being here,

Suzzie Vehrs

The post 7 Hypnobirthing Techniques That Will Help You Achieve A Calm Birth appeared first on She Births Bravely.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Are Prenatal Vitamins Making You Sick? Here’s What To do About It

You’re pregnant and you’re suffering from nausea, constipation, low appetite, diarrhea, fatigue, or cramps. But, you notice that it’s not every day – it’s only most days. Specifically, it’s the days you remember to take your prenatal vitamins first thing in the morning.

Or maybe you notice the moment you take your prenatal vitamin you suddenly feel sick.

You aren’t alone in wondering “are prenatal vitamins making me sick…really?”

Look, I get it. It is frustrating when you are trying to do the right thing to take care of your body and your baby but, the more you try, you just feel worse and worse.

I want to share with you some common reasons why your prenatal vitamin is making you sick, and exactly how you can find answers to your problem.

It’s a nice feeling to know that you are doing something good for your body. And in most cases, a prenatal vitamin is good for you.

But, if your prenatal vitamin is making you sick, it’s probably not the right one for you. And contrary to what you’ve likely been told, it is doing you more harm than good.

Here are some tips to help you, the savvy mom, figure out if it’s really your prenatal vitamin making you sick and what to do about it.

Could My Prenatal Vitamins Be Making Me Sick

woman nauseous from prenatal vitamins

Yes! prenatal vitamins could be making you sick. Whether your gummy vitamins are making you feel nauseous or your capsule vitamins are making you constipated – there is probably a reason.

Now, many women are told to just suck it up and deal with it. Or even worse, they are told they are making their symptoms up when they think that their prenatal vitamins could be making them sick.

The truth is that studies have confirmed that prenatal vitamins do have side effects. Surprisingly (#notsurprisingly), neither is every prenatal vitamin made the same nor does every woman have the same nutritional needs or deficiencies before, during, or after pregnancy. Therefore, different women need different prenatal vitamins.

Use this guide to investigate WHY your prenatal vitamin is making you sick and find an option that will serve your body and your baby better.

You’ll see my recommendations for the best prenatal vitamins at the end.

The Top Three Reasons Your Prenatal Vitamin Could Make You Sick

woman holding prenatal vitamins could prenatal vitamins make me sick?

You’re probably wondering, how do I know if my prenatal vitamins are making me sick? I will help you figure that out right now.

There are three main reasons prenatal vitamins could be making you nauseous, ill, or uncomfortable. And when you see what the reasons are, you are going to know that finding a new prenatal vitamin ASAP is the right thing.

1. Iron In Your Prenatal May Be Making You Sick

The most common reason prenatal vitamins make you sick is that it can cause you to get too much iron. Although iron is in most capsule prenatal vitamins, it is one of the most common ingredients that can make you sick during pregnancy. Women are very different when it comes to how much iron they need during pregnancy and when they need it.

Too much iron, which can easily happen with supplements, can result in side effects such as constipation, nausea, throwing up, or diarrhea.

Too much iron can also escalate and be a contributor to gestational diabetes and other pregnancy complications.

On the other hand, not enough iron can result in anemia, fatigue, or low body temperature.

If your prenatal vitamin is making you sick – check and see if it has iron. Then, work with your doctor to see if you even need an iron supplement. This can be seen by taking a simple blood draw.

Many women do not need iron supplements during pregnancy. Other women will take a separate supplement for iron so that they can get the exact amount they need.

2. Folic Acid Could Be Making You Sick And Cause Miscarriage

Another outdated recommendation is that all women should be supplementing with folic acid during pregnancy. Most prenatal vitamins contain folic acid (as do most processed cereals and breads). This is an especially common reason when it’s gummy vitamins making you sick as those never have iron.

The truth is folic acid is not used for anything in the body. Once you consume folic acid, your body turns it into another nutrient called folate. This new nutrient, folate, is then used in the structure of every single cell in your baby’s body and your own body. Yep, folate is pretty important.

But, there is a BIG problem with this. And that problem is that 40% of people cannot change folic acid into folate at the cellular level. For these people, folic acid builds up and becomes a toxin.

Too much folic acid can increase your risk for miscarriage, and breast cancer. Not only that, folic acid can build up in your liver – and then you are at risk for other problems such as cholestasis.

Too much folic acid (not folate – what you really need) can also increase the risks of your baby developing asthma and some researchers are linking too much folic acid to increased risks of autism developing as well.

To learn more about why this is, check out Dr. Ben Lynch’s book Dirty Genes.

If your prenatal vitamin has folic acid and it’s making you feel sick in any way, you should replace it with one that has folate as soon as possible.

3. Your Vitamin Is Made Out Of Synthetics Your Body Can’t Absorb

One last thing you should consider when investigating why your prenatal is making you sick is what your vitamin is made out of. A huge difference between vitamin quality is how they are made and how your body absorbs them.

Some vitamins are made out of synthetically created vitamins. These are simply chemicals that attempt to mimic what happens naturally in nature. For example folic acid is the synthetic (man-made) form of folate. As you can see, it is not the same thing.

Whole food vitamins are condensed and concentrated from real fruits and vegetables. Typically, your body has less work to do to absorb and use the whole food vitamins. If you are taking synthetic vitamins, folic acid may not be the only synthetic vitamin your body cannot actually use that turns into a toxin. Make sure that you are using a whole food prenatal vitamin.

Is My Gummy Prenatal Vitamin Making Me Nasueous?

Some women have an easier time finding the problem than others. If you are taking a gummy prenatal – you are likely one of them.

You see – if a gummy prenatal vitamin is making you sick, it’s easier to find the solution. This is because gummy vitamins very rarely have iron in them. Gummy vitamins are so much like candy it is not safe for these products to have iron because children could easily find them and consume unsafe levels of iron.

This means that you already know it’s that too much iron is not your problem, It is likely because of synthetic vitamins in your product. Check out the recommendations below for the best choices when your prenatal vitamin is making you sick.

Prenatal Vitamin Recommendations That Won’t Make You Sick

pregnant woman not sick from prenatal vitamins

There are a few companies that have gone above and beyond to make sure that everything about their prenatal vitamin is helpful, easily absorbed, and won’t make you sick. These are my best prenatal vitamin recommendations to use if your current prenatal vitamin is making you sick.

My Top Prenatal Recommendation: Seeking Health Optimal Prenatal

This prenatal vitamin was formulated b Dr. Ben Lynch who has dedicated his life to preventing illness in unborn children. These vitamins have no synthetics, they have two forms of easily absorbed folate. They do not have iron – you may have to supplement that separately if needed. My favorite version of this prenatal vitamin is the chocolate protein prenatal shake.

My Second Prenatal Recommendation: Eu Naturals

Eu Naturals in one of the most empowering companies there is. If you prefer your vitamin in the form of a capsule, this is absolutely the best one out there. With Folate instead of folic acid, DHA to support healthy brain development and 25 vitamins and minerals in a organic, whole food formula, you cant go wrong.

My Third Prenatal Recommendation: Root’d

Rooted is another fun way to get your prenatal. These drink packets pack in the 25 vitamins and minerals you need, plus 5 super greens, plus 3 probiotics, plus hydrating electrolytes all into one sparkling drink mix. If you need a vitamin that also has a probiotic in one, this is the one you should go to. However, in general, you can get a more well-rounded and better probiotic if you just take a probiotic supplement. If you are on a budget though, this is the best choice.

Are Prenatal Vitamins Important?

pregnant woman with fruit prenatal vitamins worth it

Some women wonder, are prenatal vitamins important? It is understandable that if you’ve been taking a prenatal vitamin that just makes you feel even sicker, that you may be wondering if it is worth it. What does a prenatal vitamin do for you anyway?

The truth is, there are some women who are so good at taking care of themselves and eating a well-balanced diet that they don’t really need any supplements. But, that is extremely hard. Especially because most of the conventional wisdom about heating healthy doesn’t work during pregnancy.

For the most up-to-date information about how to use nutrition to prevent serious complications in your pregnancy and for your baby, check out the book Real Food For Pregnancy.

Growing a baby will take a lot from you and you do not want to deplete yourself. When you become nutritionally depleted you are at risk for cavities, brittle bones in your later life, complications of all kinds, your body will be more tired, you will have more aches and cramps and you will have a harder time recovering postpartum, emotionally and physically.

Finding a prenatal vitamin that works for you is crucial to your lifelong health. Pregnancy is a key time to nurture and nourishes your body. Having the proper nutrients is an important way to protect your baby and yourself from many lifelong conditions.

Prenatal Vitamins Making Me Sick Conclusion

prenatal vitamins making woman feel ill

At the beginning of this article, you were probably wondering why are my prenatal vitamins making me sick? Now you know that prenatal vitamins make you sick when the vitamins you are ingesting are not what your body needs.

Either you are getting too much iron, or you are getting synthetic versions of vitamins your body can’t really do anything with. The most common example of this is when a vitamin has folic acid instead of more usable forms of folate.

You now have options and choices. If your prenatal vitamins are suddenly making you sick, you know what to try next and what to ask your doctor about. Don’t let your prenatal vitamin make you sick all day. Find something that will better serve you and your perfect baby.

The post Are Prenatal Vitamins Making You Sick? Here’s What To do About It appeared first on She Births Bravely.
