If you ever wondered what home birth is like, these home birth videos are for you. They will leave you in awe and show you that home birth is not the scary thing it has been made out to be. I never thought home birth would be right for me, but then, I did it. It was unlike anything I could have imagined.
New to the idea of home birth? Check out these 5 home birth facts for the mom questioning her birth plan due to recent events.
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What Do Moms Say About Giving Birth At Home?
“I had serious doubts about my ability to birth a child. Overcoming that changed me as a person.”
“i was not prepared for the profound amount of respect and gratitude I would have for my body after birth.”
“it was hard and I did it.”
“It was so beautiful.”
These are all things that women have told me about their home birth experiences. Home birth is beautiful. It is incredibly intimate. The love that flows at a homebirth is like a waterfall holding and changing everyone there.
I absolutely loved my homebirth. But I didn’t always know I wanted to birth at home. In fact, I used to belive that home birth was irresponsible and dangerous.
grab the “Where Am I In Labor?” Checklist to know exactly what to expect and what to do when
Home Birth Is About Building Your Trust In Yourself
The Main Focus Of Preparing For A Hospital Birth:

I felt a lot of anxiety all through my first pregnancy and birth. I liked my doctors, and I truly think the did the best the could for me. They were and are good people. But the birth was still traumatic. I labored for 24 hours and never dialed past a 3. Eventually, they called it and I ended up having a c-section. It wasn’t the way I envisioned meeting my daughter. And it was so so hard on many levels.
I’ve spent a lot of time pondering on why I was not able to labor. And I think a big part of it was because of my preparation.
You see, I had a lot of anxiety about birth the first time around. When I would ask for help or discuss my anxiety with my doctor, the answer always came back to ‘trust the system, don’t worry to much, we will do this for you’. I never spent time understanding my anxiety or developing myself as a person or mother.
The Main Focus Of Preparing For A Homebirth

After this birth, I met a new friend in my moms’ group. Every week we would take our kids’ hiking and I would hear my friend talk about her life as a midwifery student. In our conversations, I had space to unpack my birth. I saw that things could have been different and came to understand that I had options I had never considered before.
I knew I wanted to do a home birth the next time around.
This time, when I was faced with anxiety about my birth, my midwife helped me dive into my anxiety and find out how that fear could help me grow. I developed my knowledge about birth, my body, my own fears and so much more. I learned to trust myself and let systems support me, not the other way around.
The focus was to learning to trust myself and becoming some one I could trust. This was challenging, but rewarding emotional and physical work.
By the time I went into labor, I no longer had anxiety, I had confidence, curiosity, and excitement. In 12 hours of labor, I birthed a 10 lb baby in my bedroom and it was one of the best, most redeeming experiences of my life.
Thousands and thousands of women have given birth. As you develop your trust and knowledge in your own body and in birth, I’m confident that you can too.
These home birth videos will help you reclaim your power to birth and reframe birth from something dangerous and scary to a natural and normal (though quite intense) process.
How Do Homebirth Videos Help You Prepare For A Better Birth?

Most women have never seen another women give birth. We have a lot of scary stories, drama inducing media clips and unanswered questions about what it is like. Watching home birth videos helps you prepare for a better birth by:
- Giving you new images to rewrite the ones purposefully written to make you scared or feel intense emotions (such as on a TV show).
- It lets you get the feel for the wide array of ‘normal’ birth and opens you up to accepting your story the way it unfolds instead of feeling like you have to control your story.
- It reminds you that you are part of a vast lineage of women who have birthed babies and that you are literally designed to do this. Evolution is on your side.
Are you ready to watch some home birth videos? Here we go!
11 Home Birth Videos That Will Convince You You Were Made To Birth
This moms toddler was there too!
Captured by Katie Leet of yemamas doulas
This mom has her baby in the water
This birth was captured by the Seattle based birth videographer Jessica Peterson of One Tree Photography.
This mom had her baby in a tiny home!
Captured by the incredible Tacoma, WA based doula and birth photographer Ciara Scarlet
This mom has a home birth after a c-section (VBAC)
This home birth video was created by doula and birth videographer Esther Edith who serves in the Spokane WA area.
This mom shows us it’s possible to do hard things
In this home birth video Alex, (who you can follow here) shows us just how emotional, hard and beautiful home birth can be. Alex, your strength inspires us all!
This mom birthed her baby unassisted in under two hours!
I love how this mom is confident in what she is doing. she has no fear. She is enjoying the process and her family is around her serving her in beautiful ways. Thank you for sharing your strength with us Riri. You can follow her youtube channel where she shares beauty tips and product reviews as well!
The post 11 Home Birth Videos That Will Convince You You Were Made To Birth appeared first on She Births Bravely.
source https://shebirthsbravely.com/home-birth-videos/
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