Sunday, October 25, 2020

Lamaze Classes: Are They Worth It?

Are you a mom-to-be looking for the right birthing class to make your childbirth experience more natural and joyful? Then I’m sure your relatives and friends must have recommended Lamaze. The Lamaze technique is among the oldest, most popular, and loved birthing techniques.

I personally attended Lamaze classes when I was pregnant with my second daughter. I can tell you they are super effective. But it is natural to have questions like what do Lamaze classes teach? Are they really helpful? And most importantly, are these the right birthing classes for me?

Here at She Births Bravely, we help moms prepare for powerful and authentic births. I often have people ask me, how does your class, the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge compare to other classes, specifically Lamaze classes.

Well, you need to understand, we are super proud of our class and the results we get for our moms. That said, there are times when a Lamaze class may be the better option. So what this article is going to do is explain to you honestly and transparently the pros and the cons of both classes.

Then, by the end, you will have a great sense of which is the best choice for you. 

What Are Lamaze Classes About?

Founded by a French obstetrician Dr. Fernand Lamaze, the Lamaze technique has been around since the 1950s. Lamaze became famous because of rhythmic breathing techniques. Breathing can reduce the fear of labor and help moms cope with pain during contractions.

But, that is not all that the Lamaze technique is about. Lamaze classes also teach you different techniques and exercises to manage the pain associated with labor and childbirth. And another great thing about these classes is that they give you some very useful research-based information regarding pregnancy.

Course Objective:  The aim of Lamaze classes is to help moms-to-be prepare for safe, healthy, and natural childbirth. It does this by teaching rhythmic breathing techniques and provided research-based information about childbirth.

What Does A Lamaze Class Teach You?

women smiling in a lamaze class looking at camera

This technique is based on six evidence-based birth practices. These practices help moms have a healtheir and safer birth experience. What are the six Lamaze principals?

Lamaze Principal 1: Wait For Spontaneous Natural Labor

This technique is based on the fact the natural labor is your body’s way of indicating that it is ready to give birth. This also increases the chances of your baby being healthier. The Lamaze stance is that labor should only be induced, or started by medicine, if it is medically necessary immediately.

Lamaze Principal 2: Be On Your Feet Throughout Labor

When you walk and change positions in labor, it helps you deal with intense contractions so that your body continues going into labor. And it also allows your baby to travel from your pelvis to the birth canal gently.

Lamaze Principal 3: Take Your Partner, A Close Family Member Or Friend To The Hospital

Having the support of a near and dear one during birth boosts your morale and gives you confidence. You can also take your doula with you.

Lamaze Principal 4: Don’t Opt For Medical Interventions Unless Absolutely Necessary

Research shows that unnecessary medical intervention during labor doesn’t do any good and carries risk. You should only choose medical treatments if they are absolutely necessary.

Lamaze Principal 5: Trust Your Body When It Tells You It’s Time To Push

Research shows that allowing moms to push when their body feels the need to push aids in making the birth experience positive.

Lamaze Principal 6: Hold Your Baby On Your Chest Right After Birth

Your baby should be placed on your chest skin to skin for the first hour after birth. This provides continual benefits to mom and baby. If there are no problems, all tests, weighing and procedures should wiat until after this time.

What Happens At A Lamaze Class?

There are around six classes (a total of 12 hours) in the course that last for six to eight weeks. There are classes that are taught over a long weekend. Lamaze classes are given in birthing centers or hospitals or an independent business place.

In a typical Lamaze class, you will begin each session by talking about your fears and concerns about your upcoming birth. You will then learn about the emotional and physical changes that happen in each stage of labor. Your instructor will then take you and your partner through exercises that will help you work together to get through contractions.

You will also discover important nutrition facts that will support your pregnancy and birth. You will learn the advantages of breastfeeding. You will go over some of the basic changes that happen to your body during the third trimester.

In the last Lamaze class, most instructors will take you through a labor simulation. In this process, you will have to place your hand in a bucket of ice water for the length of a contraction. Your partner will then help you through it using the comfort measures you learned in class. You will usually repeat this for about 10 to 30 minutes, to get the feeling of the rhythm of birth.

What Is The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge About?

My interest in childbirth education was sparked when I was a new doula. A doula is essentially a childbirth coach or companion. For part of my training, I had to volunteer at several different childbirth classes. I then attended several births of the women in these classes.

And I noticed a HUGE problem.

Most moms who took a childbirth class were prepared well for a straightforward birth.

But…. not all moms had a straightforward birth.

Many moms were having labors that were far more compliated than what was presented in the class. Challenges that made birth more difficult, more painful, and made medical intervention the right choice.

This led me to begin asking a new question. Why are some births complicated and dangerous, and other births straightforward and safe? And is there anything a mom can do to encourage her birth to be straightforwards and safe?

My efforts in exploring this question eventually led to me creating my own course. You can find my answers to that question in the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge.

What Do You Learn In The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge?

I certainly agree full-heartedly with the principals of the Lamaze classes. There is a reason they have been so popular for such a long time. The Lamaze principals are backed by research. It can certainly help moms get through labor without interventions most of the time.

In the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge, you will find many similarities.

  1. You will learn both breathing techniques and relaxation techniques.
  2. Together with your partner, you will learn to cope with pain. As you work together your sense of respect and trust in each other will grow.
  3. You will practice simple exercises that make birth safer and easier. The goal is to restore flexibility and tone where you need it to keep you safe. These exercises also help your baby get into an ideal position for birth, which makes birth more straightforward.
  4. And of course, nutrition. The proper foods can significantly reduce your risk for life-threatening complications such as preeclampsia and preterm birth.

The objective of the the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge is to have you, your partner, your body, and your baby ready for birth. We want to both prepare you for birth AND make your birth a straightforward and simple process.

For moms that choose a natural, drug-free birth, this course will prepare them better than any course currently on the market. We believe that natural birth is attainable to any well prepared, well-supported mom.

For moms who choose an epidural, this class will help them reduce risks and minimize the challenges an epidural can add to a birth experience.

What Makes The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge Different Than Other Birth Classes?

Where we really excel is presenting this information in a way that helps you embody it. The truth is, preparing your body, mind, baby, and relationship for birth takes work. Yes, it is rewarding work, but it is work.

We also know that moms have more demands on their bodies, time, and relationships than usual during pregnancy. Instead of long weekly classes, Healthy Start Birth Prep is a small daily commitment to preparing for birth. Lessons are ten minutes long over the course of 8 weeks. This means moms can get their childbirth prep done even if they are busy and overwhelmed.

We also know that making life changes and putting attention on preparing for birth can be difficult. That is why we created an online community of moms. In this space, moms share frustrations and challenges they are facing. Together, moms work towards positive birth experiences.

Plus, we call it a challenge because when you actually do the things that help you have a safer, more straightforward birth, like eating a nutritious meal or doing stretches that will help protect your pelvic floor, you can win super awesome giveaways. I know motivation can be hard to find when you have so much on your plate, that’s why we help you find it.

We don’t want you to just know what you can do to make birth easier, safer and more rewarding, but have the community, friendship and motivation to actually do the things that will help you meet your goal.

How Do I Know Which Class Is Right For Me?

By now, you probably have a pretty good sense of what each class is about. Of course, we would absolutely love to have you in the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge. Our classes start on the first of every month.

That being said, if you prefer in person classes, Lamaze classes are an excellent choice.

I would encourage you to choose a class where you feel safe asking your questions, working with your partner, and moving towards the birth you want. A mother’s intuition is almost always right when it comes to which class is best for her.

Who Teaches Lamaze Classes And The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge?


Lamaze classes are only taught by their professional  Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators (LCCE). This is their way of ensuring that you are being taught the right techniques and are given the right information. Certified Instructors are available in a wide range of areas, and you can find one in your region online through the Lamaze website. Online classes are also available for your ease.

Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge

The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge is taught by me Suzzie Vehrs. I am certified as a doula and in providing childbirth education through Birth Arts International. I also have a Bachelor of Science in Economics through Brigham Young University.

How Much Do Lamaze Classes Cost Compared to the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge

Lamaze classes typically cost between $150-$350. The cost depends on the region and instructor. Some of the less expensive classes are weekend classes or shortened condensed classes.

The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge is $347.

Keep in mind, you may be able to be reimbursed for some of these expenses through your insurance. You can also usually use Health Savings Accounts to cover childbirth education. This includes both Lamaze classes and the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge.

When Is The Right Time to Take Lamaze Classes?

Like most birthing classes, it is best to take Lamaze classes or the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge at the end of the second trimester or the beginning of the third trimester.

Do Birth Classes Gaurantee My Birth Will Be Safe And Easy?

Even though these classes do help you manage pain, be more relaxed during labor and birth, and help in giving birth naturally, you need to accept the fact that childbirth doesn’t always go as expected or planned. And the birth experience is not the same for everyone. It can be quite intense and painful for some women, while others may find it quicker and easier. Medical interventions may be necessary in some cases.

That being said, many studies confirm that when a mom takes a high-quality childbirth education class she is less likely to have a c-section or need medical interventions. The knowledge you gain during a childbirth class will help you decrease your risks and make informed decisions along the way.

How Do Lamaze Classes Compare to Hypnobirthing Classes?

lamaze vs hypnobirthing

Although both the techniques involve ways to help expectant mothers with natural childbirth, Lamaze and hypnobirthing are based on totally different techniques. While Lamaze focuses on research-based practices for a healthy birth, hypnobirthing is all about dealing with pain through self-hypnosis using positive affirmations, hypnosis tracks, controlled breathing, and meditation.

Hypnobirthing involves going into a deep relaxation mode by using hypnosis techniques that help in relaxing the body muscles of the mom-to-be during labor. It is based on the work of Dr. Dick-Read, an English obstetrician, which states that pain caused during labor is linked with the fear of labor, which increases the heart rate and makes the blood flow away from the uterus.

You can read out detailed explanation of hypnobirthing here.

TL/DR Are Lamaze Classes Still a Thing and Are They Actually Helpful?


Lamaze classes were quite popular in the 80s and 90s, and they are definitely still around today. Lamaze classes are designed to help you have a healthy, safe natural childbirth.

The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge is an online childbirth course that helps you prepare your body, mind, baby, and partner to work together through birth. It totally prepares you for birth whether you are going natural or not. So that you can have a straightforward, safe birth.

As I’ve worked with mothers over the years, I’ve noticed that many moms have a high priority of avoiding an unnecessary c-section and nurturing their relationship through birth. It’s true, both of these classes will help with those goals.

Lamaze classes are perfect for moms who want an in person, class.

Healthy Start Birth Prep is perfect for busy moms. These are the moms who have demands on their time and energy. They will benefit from the support of an online class in many ways. First, the flexibility to choose when to watch classes. Second, the friendship and encouragement of other moms also preparing for birth in the exclusive online community. Third, because when you do the things in the Healthy Start Birth Prep, you are entered to win amazing giveaways.

I hope this article helped you understand the pros and cons of Lamaze classes compared to the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge. We would LOVE to help you prepare for a fabulous birth. Our next class starts on the first of the month! If you have any questions reach out to Suzzie at contact

The post Lamaze Classes: Are They Worth It? appeared first on She Births Bravely.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Hypnobirthing Explained: Does Hypnobirthing Really Work?

Are looking for support around a natural and joyful birth? Then I can almost guarantee you’ve been told to look into hypnobirthing. Hypnobirthing is probably the most hotly discussed and debated, loved and hated, birthing class on the market.

You are not alone in wondering, what is hypnobirthing? Does it really work? And is it for me?

Here at She Births Bravely, we help moms prepare for powerful and authentic births. I often have people ask me, how does your class, the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge compare to other classes, specifically hypnobirthing.

Well, you need to understand, we are super proud of our class and the results we get for our moms. That said, there are times when Hypnobirthing is the better option. So what this article is going to do is explain to you honestly and transparently the pros and the cons of both classes. And then, hopefully, by the end, you will have a great sense of which is the best choice for you. 

We love helping moms understand their options and find the perfect fit for their needs. As a doula, I have had the privilege to see many moms succeed with hypnobirthing. But, it is definitely not for everyone.

Where Does Hypnobirthing Come From?

Marie Mongan is a hypnotherapist and the founder of Hypnobirthing. She believes that pain does not have to be a part of birth. Sounds pretty amazing right?

The basis of her idea lies in  the experiences of an English obstetrician, Dr. Dick Read who wrote the book Childbirth Without Fear all the way back in 1942. Dr. Read was an obestrician who had several experiences with women who had pain free births.

The first of which astounded him.

He asked this woman why she had declined any anesthetics (pain killers) during labor. She simply stated, ‘why would I need it? It didn’t hurt… it’s not supposed to.’

Over his career, he was fascinated with one question. Why do some women suffer so much during childbirth when others don’t have any pain at all?

From his work, he opened the question, does the pain of labor create an emotional state of suffering, or does the emotional state of suffering create the pain in labor?

Which comes first and causes the other?

What Is Hypnobirthing?

Dr. Read and Marie Mongan both believe that pain in labor comes from our fear and expectations of pain during labor. They both conclude that birth is not painful on its own.

They claim that if you believe birth is dangerous and scary, that you will seek out information that confirms that belief, and that your body will react to make birth dangerous and painful.

There are studies that confirm that this happens.

Hypnobirthing is all about preparing the mind for birth. The theory is that if you are relaxed and open you can lean into your birth. It can be painless, or near to it. Your body is meant to give birth. You can give birth in a dream-like or daydreaming state.

Hypnobirthing includes controlled breathing and relaxation techniques, mainly self-hypnosis, to help you get through birth.

It will also teach you to have positive affirmations in your mind like ‘I am capable of giving birth’ or ‘I have full trust in my body.’ These affirmations may not look that effective on paper, but they have a huge impact on your mindset and body during labor and birth.

 Hypnobirthing is a great way to reduce your fears and anxiety about labor and childbirth by practicing self-hypnosis.

How Does Fear Affect The Body During Birth

Fear does affect the body in many ways. One of which is that fear increases the speed of the heart, which makes the blood flow away from the uterus, causing the pain during the labor.

Another reason fear affects the body is that the uterus, the muscle responsible for most of the work of labor, will actually work against itself if the mother is in a state of fear.

Let me explain, the uterus has 2 sets of muscle fibers. The first set is long and goes from the cervix to the top of the uterus. These are the muscle fibers responsible for the sensation of contractions. When they flex so to speak, they pull open the cervix and help your baby move down and out of your body.

However, if a mother senses danger, another set of muscle fibers are activated in the uterus. These muscle fibers are short and circular. They will work to close the cervix if there are hormones in the body that would indicate the mother feels that she is in danger. These hormones are present whether the danger is real or imaginary.

Many people believe that intense pain that leads to suffering in labor is caused by this pull of the utuerus working simultaneously to open and close the uterus at the same time.

So, being fearful of birth, or having conscious or subconscious beliefs that birth is dangerous, can quite literally change the experience of birth and make it much more painful than it needs to be.

Can Hypnobirthing Really Work?

Many moms think of hypnobirthing as a purely magical way to give birth. They enjoy the sense of peace they have through surges (the hypnobirthing word for contractions) and have a deeper sense of control and peace with the process of birth.

Birth partners that take a hypnobirthing class with their spouse, typically show up for birth as loving and supportive partners who create an intimate and beautiful space for the birth to take space.

I can tell you though, that birth can still be quite intense, even if you are calm and collected.

Some women expect that when they take a hypnobirthing class ‘one minute you are in sleeping mode, and the next you have given birth.’ This is not an accurate representation of hypnobirthing.

Does Hypnobirthing Always Work?

Here’s the thing, just as Dr. Read found in his experience, some women have easier births than others. I one hundred percent believe that for many women, hypnobirthing is everything they need to have a successful, calm, and confident birth. However, for others, it’s not enough.

One struggle that every childbirth educator has is how to help moms understand the reality of what birth will be like for them. There is a huge range of normal when it comes to pain levels and complexity levels of different births.

Yes, many many moms have had hypnobirthing work perfectly for them. But, unfortutaely, not all moms.

This is why whenever hypnobirthing is brought up in a moms group, there is a complete battle over if it works or not. Moms either completely love or totally hate this method.

Benefits Of Hypnobirthing

mom in labor with hypnobirthing

There are some real and proven benefits of hypnobirthing. Hypnobirthing:

  • Can reduce labor time
  • Gives you the power to have more control over your body and makes you feel like you’re daydreaming
  • Helps in dealing with anxieties regarding birth, especially if you previously went through birth-related trauma
  • Minimizes the chances of postnatal depression
  • Reduces the need for medications during labor and birth

Apart from the giving birth in a dream like state, these are benefits of almost all childbirth classes.

The mind absolutely can affect how the body gives birth. I have had the privilege of being at several births where the mother stated that the birth was pain-free. I’ve also been to births where the mother seemed calmed, relaxed, and in control the entire time even in the presence of quite a bit of pain. Some of these moms did Hypnobirthing, others did Hypnobabies and others simply spent a significant amount of time with meditation and relaxation techniques.

However, these experiences are still the exception to the rule.

Cons Of Hypnobirthing

There are really only two cons to the hypnobirthing program to me. However, in my mind, they are significant.

The first is that the principals in the hypnobirthing program, really only work if you want to have a natural birth and if you have a normal and uncomplicated birth. The problem being, you don’t know ahead of time if you will have a normal and uncomplicated birth before your birth begins.

The second is that because the belief of this program is that birth can and should be pain-free, it does not provide many alternative coping strategies for pain during labor. That means if you planned to cope through hypnosis, and once birth begins, you realize that’s not your style of managing contractions, you are left with very few tools.

Some moms feel a sense of failure or disappointment if they expect a pain-free birth and instead end up with complications or a very painful birth.

How Does Hypnobirthing Compare To The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge

This is where my class and hypnobirthing separate the most in their processes. I certainly agree one-hundred percent that it is healthy and good to work on reprogramming fears of birth during pregnancy. I also agree that it is important to develop a strong trust in the process of birth. Both areas Hypnobirthing and the Healthy Start Birth Prep excel in.

However, over my career, I’ve come to know that there are many things we can do to help mothers have uncomplicated, normal births. Many of those things are simple. They involve nutrition, simple exercises to restore flexibility and tone to a woman’s body, and practices that encourage baby to align properly within the pelvis.

So while the Healthy Start Birth Prep includes meditation tracks and fear clearing practices, it also expands to teaching mothers how they can increase the likelihood of having an uncomplicated and natural birth.

The Healthy Start Birth Prep also included a wide range of tools to cope with pain. That way, if meditation or deep breathing is not doing it for you during labor, you have a toolbox of other skills at the ready.

Some people claim that by learning additional pain coping skills beyond hypnosis, you are admitting that birth can be dangerous and scary and you haven’t gone far enough in eliminating your underlying beliefs about fear. These people will definitely prefer the simplicity and depth of a hypnobirthing program.

Who Is Hypnobirthing Or The Healthy Start Class For?

Who Is Hypnobirthing For?

Hypnobirthing is a method that can be taken whether this is your first birth or fifth. It can be used for births in the hospital, at home, or at a birth center. Typically. moms using this method are trying for a natural, or epidural free birth.

I’ve personally seen it help people who are extremely afraid of labor or childbirth and those who have been through some birth-related trauma. It’s equally helpful for people who have panic attacks.

The number of classes varies from instructor to instructor, with most providing four classes that have a duration of two hours. The Mongan Method, which is also considered the original hypnobirthing method, is a 12-hour program comprising of five classes.

In order to succeed with hypnobirthing, you have to be willing to spend time every day practicing hypnosis and training your mind for birth. This is definitely a class that requires commitment and is right for a mom who is willing to dedicate time and energy to her inner mental landscape.

Who Is The Healthy Start Birth Prep For?

The Healthy Start Birth Prep focuses on helping moms prepare mind, body, baby, and partner to work together in birth. It is for moms who have a priority of a healthy baby, healthy mama, and want that experience to also be pretty magical as well.

This birth class can be used for moms birthing at the hospital, birth center, or at home. It can also be used by moms planning to use epidurals or go natural. It will help you address birth fears and overcome challenges that are intrinsic to the birth process.

This class is taught in 40 daily 10-minute videos that help a mom understand how she can make birth safer and more rewarding. It is for moms that want to be a part of an online community and support system, who are willing to practice and implement the strategies taught. Because of the style of teaching, this class will work very well for moms with time and energy constraints.

When To Start Hypnobirthing

‘What’s the right time to start hypnobirthing’ is a question that many moms-to-be ask.

Although there is no fixed timeframe to take these classes, many women start taking hypnobirthing classes between 25-29 weeks. If you prefer to take them sooner, I would say you can take it anytime after you’re done with the first trimester.

Most hypnobirthing classes are at least 5 weeks long, and they do require practice. So, you want to start in your second trimester or the very beginning of your third trimester

The Healthy Start Birth Class is 8 weeks in duration and should be started at the same time.

How To Practice Hypnobirthing

Once you have learned different hypnobirthing techniques in birthing classes, your next task is to practice them at home. Hypnobirthing is all about practice; the more you do it, the more you are capable of using it in your labor and during birth. It only takes about 30 minutes to practice different hypnobirthing techniques.  

  • Start with practicing a few days a week. You should make a schedule of which days and at what time you’re going to practice it. You can also coordinate with your partner to practice scripts where your partner will assist you with getting into a state of hypnosis.
  • When you are near the end of your third trimester, it’s so beneficial to start practicing some of the techniques daily. Everyday techniques include a) relaxation through audio tracks, which you can do easily at night, or using other scripts you got as a part of your birthing classes, b) positive affirmations that you can paste at different places around your house, c) breathing techniques that can be practiced while you’re at the signal or cooking.
  • Practice massage techniques with your partner once a week.
  • Making a birth plan, reading positive childbirth stories, or listening to positive affirmations are among the techniques that can be practiced whenever you feel you have time.

What Is The Difference Between Hypnobirthing And Hypnobabies

Before I conclude, I want to point out that this article is about hypnobirthing, not the similar course hypnobabies. Though the information is quite similar.

Both of the techniques are actually similar to some extent as they both involve self-hypnosis. The difference is that hypnobabies teaches you medical-grade hypnosis techniques, usually called hypno-anesthesia. And unlike hypnobirthing, which takes you to some sort of sleeping mode, hypnobabies involves “staying awake” during childbirth.

A fun fact about hypnobabies is that it was founded by a hypnobirthing instructor who believed medical-grade hypnosis techniques are more effective in training the subconscious to give a more relaxed and peaceful birth.

How Does Hypnobirthing Compare To Other Classes?

We have a comprehensive list of birthing classes on our blog. If you want to explore how hypnobirthing compares to other classes such as Lamaze, Bradley Classes and Hypnobabies, feel free to peruse this article.

Hypnobirthing Explained TL/DR

Are you a scroller? If you just landed here at the end of the article, hypnobirthing is a class that is based on the belief that childbirth is not painful unless you fear it. It uses self-hypnosis to help your rewrite your beliefs about fear and help you birth with greater ease, the way the body is ‘supposed’ to work.

I hope this article helped you understand the pros and cons of hypnobirthing compared to the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge. If you have any questions reach out at contact

The post Hypnobirthing Explained: Does Hypnobirthing Really Work? appeared first on She Births Bravely.
