Tuesday, December 29, 2020

25 Powerful Birth Affirmations For Dads

Do you want to help your partner become the best birth partner possible? I’ve been with dozens of families through birth, and I can tell you, that some dads feel more confident and capable than others.

In my experience, almost all dads have a desire to show up for their partners and be an incredible support person. However, sometimes dads don’t know what to do, mothers don’t know how to ask for what they need, or the crazy, overwhelming pressure and out of control feeling that often accompanies birth, wears a dad down and he breaks down under it all.

This article might be called birth affirmations for dads, but you are going to learn so much more. In this article, you will learn exactly how to strengthen and support the man in your life and help HIM prepare for birth – using only your words.

What Are Birth Affirmations For Dads?

Birth affirmations for dads, such as these ones for moms, help a dad overcome his fears and anxiety about the day you give birth and his child is born. They help him affirm truths about himself, the process of birth, and his relationship with you so that fears don’t overtake him and he can be a present and supportive partner.

As women, we often don’t realize how much pressure our partners are under as they become dads. Most of the focus is on you, the mom, and the child. However, dads also have a significant emotional journey as they pass the threshold into fatherhood. It doesn’t matter if it is their first baby, or if they have many. They will likely benefit from practicing birth affirmations specifically for men.

Why Do Dads Need More Than Just Birth Affirmations?

In this article, I am going to give you more than just a list of birth affirmations for dads. I am going to teach you a way to communicate with your partner that will allow you to ask for help without using shame, blame, or adding pressure to your partner’s plate.

When you can communicate clearly, in a way that builds him up, you are much more likely to get the support you need and deserve.

Look, when it comes to birth, men have very few resources to turn to for support. The expectations on men today is vastly different than expectations of men even just one or two generations ago. Often, men are expected to do the work that just two generations ago would be taken care of by a handful of trained and experienced women.

They need guidance, support, respect, and gratitude to do their job well. You can help your partner have that by carefully and intentionally using your words – and by providing him with affirmations so he can do his own internal work to prepare for the big day.

How To Get The Support You Need By Using Your Words

The point of affirmations is to help a person achieve something that seems out of reach. You know what – satisfying a pregnant woman, or a woman giving birth, often seems out of reach. It’s not your fault, but it’s a reality that you should be aware of.

By asking for support in a way that affirms your partner’s value and capability, your request can turn into a powerful affirmation. You can offer guidance, support, respect, and gratitude simply by opening the door to letting him help you the way you want to be helped.

Here’s how to do it.

A Simple Formula For Getting Everything You Need During Birth

Okay, this is not to be used to manipulate or othersie control your man. Please be honest and genuine when you use this.

When you need something during your pregnancy or birth from your partner try asking with this formula

“I really (insert apprecative word) when you (insert thing you want). It makes me (insert how you feel) and (insert another apprecition.)

What this looks like in actions is:

“I really appreciate it when you attend birth classes with me. It makes me feel safe and secure because I know you are taking care of me and I respect that extra effort you put towards our family.”

“I really enjoy it when you rub my back. It helps me relax and release and it makes me feel very connected to you. Thank you.”

“I really take comfort in the fact that you spend time listening to me after a stressful day because it helps me feel appreciated and loved. Thank you for being there for me.”

Are You Ready To Try Your Own?

As women prepare for birth, they often realize that the needs they need to be fulfilled to have a special birth experience are quite simple. Usually, it is someone’s loving presence, a gentle touch, a firm massage, or a strong and steady person to lean on.

Do you see how the requests above both help you ask for what you need, while at the same time affirming the value and worth of the support your partner offers back to you?

These are my favorite birth affirmations for dads, because they give the guidance he needs, allows him to actually make you happy, and shows the respect that he deserves for showing up for you.

Straight Up Birth Affirmations For Dads

Now that you know how to request support, in a way that affirms your partner’s value and gives guidance, let’s get to some more traditional birth affirmations for dads.

Everyone who enters the birth space needs to address their fear and anxieties before they get there. These birth affirmations for dads can help them do that.

“My family is safer when I am present and part of the birth process.”

“The love in my family deepens when I show up and help.”

“I release my fears before birth begins.”

“My partner and baby are safe.”

“If I get overwhelmed, I take a deep breath and release it.”

“I invite my partner to lean on me.”

“I am strong and resilient.”

“I can handle this situation.”

“I intuitively know what to do and how to help. I trust my instincts.”

“I am confident.”

“My partner recognizes and respects my efforts.”

“My family values me.”

“I keep my promises. My word is my bond.”

“I have a lot to offer my family.”

“I protect and watch over my family.”

“I am my partners biggest supporter and she returns the favor.”

“I give my best self.”

“I am ready to be a father to this child.”

“My life is increasing in joy.”

“My strength grows as I met new challenges.”

“This is my birth experience too.”

“There is time and space for me to take care of myself.”

“I value my child’s needs, my partner’s needs and my own needs.”

Birth Affirmations For Dads Conclusion

Dads often carry a heavy weight when they are supporting a woman through birth. Often they feel like Atlas, with the weight of the world on their shoulders.

The most powerful birth affirmations for dads are actually the words that you speak to him. You can use your words to help him achieve something that once seemed difficult or out of reach.

Regularly take time to affirm to your partner their value to you. You can do this even as you are requesting support.

I hope this helps you communicate effectively with your partner as you go through the birth process. And that you both feel ready for the big day!


Suzzie Vehrs

The post 25 Powerful Birth Affirmations For Dads appeared first on She Births Bravely.

source https://shebirthsbravely.com/birth-affirmations-for-dads/

Saturday, December 26, 2020

What To Say To A Woman In Labor

How easy is it for you to cheer up your partner, make her smile, and bring out her greatest strengths using just your words? In this post, we’ll cover eleven of the most encouraging phrases you can use to make this birth experience a memorable one. You will know exactly what to say to a woman in labor.

You can breathe easy. Because it will be easier than you think – and you will love how it feels when you can provide safety, encouragement, and make your partner feel capable, just by what you say.

But remember, words are powerful, but they have a limit. It goes without saying that your actions must match what you say. This is especially true when you are supporting a woman in labor.

Are you ready to become a master of the spoken word and support your partner in an incredible birth? Let’s get started.

Why Does It Matter What You Say To A Woman In Labor?

You may wonder why it is so important to be conscientious about the words you say to a woman giving birth. Many people are surprised when they learn that birth is deeply influenced by emotions.

You are likely familiar with how stress can make it nearly impossible for a woman to enjoy or get into the mood for sex. Similarly, those same hormones that make sex work, also make birth work.

When a woman is under a lot of stress or in a place of fear, it can be nearly impossible for her labor to progress.

Oxytocin and beta-endorphins – the same hormones needed for sex, are what fuel birth. These allow her to feel bonded. They are powerful pain relievers. More importantly, they allow her to disconnect from the logical mind, and allow her primal instincts, the limbic system to do what it needs to do.

You see, birth is not something that usually has to just be endured. When her need to feel safe, secure, and loved are met, birth can be an incredible experience.

When you are careful and purposeful with the words you choose, you can make her feel safe, help her relax and that will let her body do the job it was made to do.

What To Say To A Woman As She Is Getting Ready For Birth

what to say to a woman giving birth

“I’m here for you.”

Women fundamentally need to feel that their partner is there for them. They want to know that you can handle shit and that you will handle shit. It is very attractive to most women when you say I am here for you and then show up fully. When you do this, you make her feel safe and appreciated. She will respect you at a very high level.

“Tell me more about that. What do you mean by…?”

Often women feel scared about giving birth. It’s true that birth is hard. Some women suffer major trauma during birth. In fact, even the risk of death is higher for this generation of women than their own mothers. If a woman opens up to you about her fears, letting her talk, asking her questions, and letting her process that fear is a great gift.

After, and only after, you’ve let her talk about her vulnerability and feelings, suggest something that can help. Sometimes, reading a book about birth, or taking a pregnancy class is a good place to begin addressing these fears.

Sometimes simply talking about her fear is enough. and the fact that you listened and asked questions will mean the world to her.

What To Say To A Woman In Labor Before It Gets Painful


Early labor is a time of excitement and nervousness for most women. Labor isn’t too painful… yet. But, they know it is coming. The more you can help her imagine her baby, connect with your baby, and remember that labor is purposeful, the better. So words like ‘imagine how it will feel when you get to hold her’ or ‘imagine how great it will be see her eyes and count her fingers’ etc. are very powerful words to support a woman in early labor.

“When do you want me to be there?”

Many women prefer quietness and privacy in early labor. Or to do something such as bake a cake for their baby is the early hours of labor. Just knowing that you are ready to meet her when she needs you and are checking in on her is enough for most women at this point.

What To Say To A Woman In Labor When Labor Gets Painful

“I’m proud of you.”

A woman in the throws of labor is doing the most intense thing she has done in her entire life. She may have prepared her own mind with birth affirmations and words to build her up.

But, what she needs from her partner is the most simple and short words of encouragmenent possible. Phrases like: I’m proud of you. You are so beautiful right now. I love you. I believe in you. Those are short and simple – but they will give her the boost she needs more than anything ese.

“Lean on me.”

I have seen this phrase said in dozens of birth. It’s a phrase that some partners intuitively use when they are watching their girl struggle through contractions. It immediately softens a woman who is dealing with stress and pain. It makes her feel safe, cared for, secure. Let her physically lean on you as if you were slow-dancing and your confidence in her will literally seep into her.

“Let me help you more next time.”

Many partners struggle with seeing their partners in pain. They are quick to want to give their partner an easy out, an epidural, medicine, anything to bypass the process. And if that is what your girl wants, go for it. But, understand that some women do not want this to be their first solution.

One of the things I teach about in my free ebook, The 11 Worst Things About Labor + What To Do About It is that women with epidurlas are 2.5x more liekly to have a c-section. Plus, there are several other significant risks to this medication. Also, she may be in pain BEFORE she is able to be admitted to the hosptial or in some cases an epidural may not be available.

Instead of looking for a drug to take away the pain, look her in the eyes. Tell her she can do it and that you will help. Give your hands to her. Hold eye contact during a contraction. And model a slow deep breath. Set a rythm and let her follow you.

If she can breathe, her body will release oxytocin that will work as a natural pain reliever and help her keep the pain at a manageable level. You can help with this greatly.

“Let’s try something new.”

Look, labor is overwhelming. When it gets hard, one of the most important things to remember is that change makes change. If labor is getting hard, encourage her to try something new. Such as, getting in the shower, going for a walk, or trying a new labor position such as hands and knees. (Cool fact: water is more effective than narcotics at releiving labor pains.)

“Here, drink some water.”

During birth, women won’t be able to take care of themselves the way they normally do. Remind her to take water and food. When you look after her simple physical needs such as food and drink, you help her have the energy she needs to do the work of giving birth.

“It’s okay to cry. It is hard.”

One of the most important needs a woman has during pregnancy and birth is being able to release her emotions. In labor, this usually means crying. If it gets hard, giving her the space to cry and validating the challenge she is in will help her greatly. Let her cry and fully release anything she has built up. Then she will be free to move forwards with a renewed freshness and spirit. Tears are often a good thing.

“Babies always come out.”

You know, a common thing women feel during labor is that it will never end. Helping her refocus on the purpose of the pain, the fact that her baby is coming and that it will be over soon is very important. It will help her stay centered. Emotionally women often feel defeated after being in labor longer than they anticipated. Using a phrase like this can help her have the grit, courage, and faith in herself and her baby to keep going.

What To Say To A Woman In Labor – Conclusion

On behalf of the birthing woman you are going to support, and all mothers everywhere, I want to say thank you for taking the time to read this article. I appreciate that you took the time to listen, and prepare to support your woman through birth. Your words can make her feel appreciated and loved.

When she feels loved and secure, her labor can progress in a more straightforward way. Often women who feel supported and loved have lower pain levels throughout their birth.

Because of you, this birth experience will be special for your partner and can be a beautiful beginning for your child. Thank you for looking into what to say to a woman in labor.

The post What To Say To A Woman In Labor appeared first on She Births Bravely.

source https://shebirthsbravely.com/what-to-say-to-a-woman-in-labor/

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Birth Affirmations For Baby Girl

Are you having a baby girl? Congratulations. I am so excited for you. This article will help you bond with your precious baby girl and help you get ready for birth – together.

A few months ago, I put together a resource of the 100+ Most Powerful Birth Affirmations because I wanted to help moms feel amazing about birth and have positive words about the experience in their head. Then, a client of mine asked me to put together affirmations for her and her baby boy to prepare for birth. And once I did that, I knew I had to make some for moms of girls as well.

I hope it feels sweet and special to have affirmations just for your adorable, soon to be born, baby girl.

The world is already awaiting her sparkle.

How Can Birth Affirmations For Your Baby Girl Help Your Birth?

Before I jump into affirmations for you and your boy, I want to share with you an observation I’ve had as I’ve attended over 50+ births. Yes, there are some things that make some births harder than others. You can read about those, and what to do about them, in my free ebook, The 11 Worst Things About Labor.

But, in many births, the body simply does what the mind directs.

For example, when moms are focused on how hard they expect labor to be and have a high expectation of pain, their births are usually longer and more painful.

When moms are focused on how each contraction is bringing their baby to them… their birth is usually swifter.

Having a strong bond with your baby, and recognizing that you are working together, and everything that is happening is happening to bring you together, in a concrete and real way, makes contractions more effective.

Birth Affirmations For Baby Girl

birth affirmations for baby girl mom and baby sitting outside

“She is so tiny, she is so small. She is loved by all.”

“Fairy tales do come true. Happiness begins with you.”

“I get to meet my little girl today!”

“My little girl and I are working together in this birth.”

“My little girl will come when she is ready.”

“A baby girl is a giggle wrapped in the warmth of sunshine.”

“She will soon be in my arms.”

“My baby girl fills my life with a little sparkle and a bit of rainbow every day.”

“I have a strength I didn’t know existed.”

“We are stronger together.”

“I have everything I need to bring this girl into the world.”

“I believe in my little girl, and she believes in me.”

“The pain that I’m feeling cannot compare to the joy that my amazing daughter brings with her.”

“I trust my body. I trust my baby.”

“Everything will work out just the way it should.”

“I love this girl already.”

“She is fierce already. Just like me.”

“She might be small, but she is mighty.”

Bonding With Your Baby Girl While You Are Still Pregnant

Did you know that by 18 weeks of pregnancy your baby girl can hear your voice? Taking just a few minutes to sing to, talk to or share affirmations such as these is an amazing way to bond with your baby. It can also take a significant amount of stress off of you.

Your baby’s attachment to you and their brain development can begin even while they are still in your womb. While there are many studies on this, my favorite place to dig deeper into this is in Dr. Gabor Mate’s teachings. You can find an amazing video here if you want to know how powerful your soothing words can be to your child’s development.

Birth Affirmations For Your Baby Girl Summary

I hope these birth affirmations for you and your girl bring you some joy, some courage, and most of all, help you deepen your bond with your baby. Have an amazing birth mama!

The post Birth Affirmations For Baby Girl appeared first on She Births Bravely.

source https://shebirthsbravely.com/birth-affirmations-for-baby-girl/

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

C-Section Rates By Hospital: Your Step To Step Guide To Finding The Safest Hospital Near You

Are you worried about having an unnecessary c-section? In this post, we’ll cover what you need to know about c-section rates. You will discover how to find the c-section rate by hospital in your area. So that you can compare your choices and choose the safest hospital to give birth in near you.

Don’t worry – you won’t need to be an expert to find the best hospital (or even opt out of your local hospitals if a birth enter or home birth is for you!) And it will take less than five minutes.

My goal is to leave you feeling empowered with the right information to make informed choices about your birth. .

Are you ready? Let’s find those c-section rates by hospital!

How To Find My Local C-Section Rates By Hospital

Not every hospital has made their c-section rates public information. However, most have. And finding the c-section rates for the hospital near you is easier than ever.

Yes, you can find this information in less than 5 minutes flat.

Here is what you are going to do:

  1. Click this link to LeapFrog Group’s hospital search. This will open the largest data base of United States Hospital ratings.
  2. In the search by tabs, click the option that says location. Enter your zip code.
  3. A list of hopitals will show up with the nearest ones to you at the top.

Now – this is where it gets a bit tricky. You cannot compare each hospital side by side. You have to look at each hospital individually. But don’t worry, it’s a quick and easy process!

4. Scroll through the list of hospitals until you see the hospital you are considering. Click the green button that says View Hospital Ratings.

5. When the hospital information shows up, you need to scroll down to look through the green bullet points. Look for the one that say +Maternity Care. Click on it.

6. Once the Maternity Care Tab opens ceserean sections will be the first category. You now need to click the ORANGE words saying Show More On This Hospitals Performance and it will show you that specific hospitals c-section rates .

7. On the right, there is a green bar showing how close to Leapfrog’s standards the hospital has come. (Only 20% of hospitals meet their high standards, if you found one, celebrate!)

Click through several hospitals in your area to get a good idea of what hospital has you as their top priority.

Why Should I Look At C-Sections Rates By Hospital In My Area?

doctors at hospital preparing for C-section delivery

One of the things I teach about in my free ebook, The 11 Worst Things About Labor, is that not every hospital is the same. In fact, some hospitals are much safer than others and some hospitals are much more dangerous than others.

In fact, c-section rates vary across the US so greatly that some hospitals have c-section rates as LOW as 7%. Let’s celebrate these places!

However, other hospitals have c-section rates as HIGH as 70%. (I think it goes without saying, these are the places you want to avoid if possible.)

Studies tell us that this huge difference is not a result of the health of mothers, but of the atmosphere and culture at each hospital.

How Might A C-Section Affect Me?

Yes, at the right time, a c-section can be necessary and can save a woman’s life or her child’s life. However, a c-section also has negatives.

In general, c-sections have greater risks to you and baby than a vaginal birth.

Here are some risks women face in a c-section:

  • More blood loss
  • Higher risk of infection
  • Higher risk of blood clots
  • Future pregnancies are more complicated and risky with each C-section you have
  • A higher risk of death
  • Even if everything goes perfectly, you have a longer recovery period
  • Extra challenges breastfeeding and a possible delay of your milk coming in (check out this article for information on breastfeeding successfully after a c-section.)

I’ve personally had a c-section and been with many women through their c-sections. Yes, a c-section can be a good experience and it can be a beautiful way to give birth.

I share this information not to scare you, but to give you the information you need to make educated and informed decisions that are best for you.

Why Are C-Section Rates So High?

You may be wondering why c-section rates are so high in some places. You see, some c-sections are obviously necessary. Some are planned in advance for either the mother or doctor’s convenience. But most, most c-sections happen in the space of a grey area.

In cases where a doctor sees something on a chart that doesn’t indicate immediate danger, but could potentially, possibly turn into a complication in the future, they often choose to do a c-section right away.

While vaginal births are in general safer, c-sections are easily scheduled, quickly finished, and pay more than vaginal births.

When a doctor has to choose between potentially avoiding a problem and waiting to see what happens, all of these factors nudge a doctor in the direction of the c-section.

What Does This Mean About Doctors?

Studies have shown that when doctors get paid the same amount of money for c-sections as they do for vagial births, they tend to allow many more vaginal births. Some women wonder what this means about their doctor or OB’s in general. Can they be trusted? Will they have your best interests in mind?

I personally do not think that doctors’ preferences for c-sections make them evil or against a birthing mother. I have seen lives saved by c-sections (hey-including my own!) and can completely understand where they are coming from. Here’s why:

You see, a doctor went to eight years (or more) of school, plus a minimum of three intense years interning. They did all this work to be an expert at how to USE MEDICINE to STOP EMERGENCIES.

When a doctor is using his or her judgment to do a c-section and chooses medical intervention, they are simply using their training to the best of their ability in a situation that will always have unknowns and that could unfold many different ways if they wait and see.

So How Can You Protect Yourself From An Unnecesary C-Section?

Avoiding an unnecessary c-section is a worthy goal. And one you should be supported in. Choosing your care provider and birth location are two of the most important decision you will make when are trying to avoid a c-section.

In general, midwives have lower c-section rates than OB’s. That is because a midwife’s professional training is using non-medical support to reduce risk and solve problems that make a birth more difficult or dangerous than it needs to be. They also are trained in how to find problems that NEED medical intervention.

If your needs escalate past their scope of practice, they transfer your care to a more specialized, high risk doctor. They are very good at doing this.

In the countries with the lowest c-section rates, most women never see a doctor during their pregnancy or birth, unless their pregnancy becomes high-risk. Instead, women begin by seeing midwives.

In fact, there is not a single European country where physicians provide primary care to women during pregnancy in most cases. And all European countries have better birth outcomes than the United States.

If avoiding a c-section is a high priority for you, finding a well-respected midwife, who is backed up by a great OB, is a great place to start.

In this case, you can easily have the best of both worlds – a midwife who is trained to help you overcome challenges naturally, and work with the process of birth, and an OB who can intervene when necessary.

When these two professions work together, women and babies are much safer!

Questions To Ask Your Care Provider About The C-Section Rates At The Hospitals Near You

Look, many women feel like they have to go along with the system that is in front of them. That is not the case. You are smart, and you likely have more options than you know. Having high quality conversations with your doctor that allow you to gather the right information can help you understand what you find out when you look up the c-section rates by hosptial in your area.

Ask your doctor these questions:

  • How is the hospital we have chosen taking steps to reduce c-sections?
  • What kind of support will I have in the hospital?
  • How much time will a nurse be with me? Are they there to provide me labor support or do they mostly chart and take care of medical things? How many women will they be attending at one time?
  • How often will you be checking in with me?
  • Do you recommend inductions to everyone at a certain time or only when medically necessary?
  • Can I have a doula?
  • Will I be allowed to move freely? Eat? Drink?

These questions will provde you with information that will help you both navigate your chosen birth location and compare it to other choices in your area.

Why Are C-Section Rates Rising?

It’s true, c-section rates are higher than ever. In fact since the early 70’s, the likelihood of a mother having a c-section in the United States has increased by 500%. That’s not good.

And even though the idea of using more c-sections is to keep moms and babies safe, the increased use of c-sections has not corresponded with healthier moms or babies. In fact, for babies born close to their expected due date, survival and brain injury rates remain the same.

And for mothers, the story is worse. Women are 50% more likely to die in the period surrounding childbirth than their own mothers were. This risk is even higher for Black mothers compared with white mothers.

Unfortunately, many hospitals are not set up well to support a woman through a natural progression of labor. This makes c-sections more frequent because they are more predictable – they can be scheduled and finished quickly – whereas a naturally unfolding labor ould take anywhere from a few hours to a coupledays.

C-sections also require less staff and time. So even though a family will pay more for a c-section, a hosital (and usually the doctor) will make significantly more money for this type of birth.

TL/DR C-Section Rates By Hospital

Avoiding a c-section is a worthy goal, and one that may take some planning and effort. Not every hospital is the same. In fact c-section rates y hospital vary fro 7% to 70%. That is a HUGE difference.

A mother can protect and advocate for herself by first, finding out the c-section rates by the hospitals near her. Choosing a hospital that has a lowe c-section rate if possible and properly communicating with her care team.

For a low risk mother, choosing a midwife as a primary care provier can significantly reduce her risks for a c-section.

You can look up c-section rates by hospital at ratings.leapfroggroup.org

The post C-Section Rates By Hospital: Your Step To Step Guide To Finding The Safest Hospital Near You appeared first on She Births Bravely.

source https://shebirthsbravely.com/c-section-rates-by-hospital/

Birth Affirmations For Baby Boy

Are you giving birth to a baby boy? Congratulations. I am so excited for you! This article will help you bond with your sweet baby boy and prepare to work together and trust each other in labor.

A few months ago, I put together a resource of 100+ of the most powerful birth affirmations. A client of mine reached out and said to me, I love these, but I want something to help me connect with MY child, my BABY BOY..

And she was right, birth affirmations for your baby boy can feel much more personal and help you in a way that more general birth affirmations cannot.

I hope these birth affirmations for baby boy help you bond to that strong, handsome little guy you are bringing to the world. Enjoy.

How can Birth Affirmations For Your Baby Boy Help Your Birth

Before I jump into affirmations for you and your boy, I want to share with you an observation I’ve had as I’ve attended over 50+ births. Yes, there are some things that make some births harder than others. You can read about those in my free ebook, The 11 Worst Things About Labor.

But, in many births, the body simply does what the mind directs.

For example, when moms are focused on how hard they expect labor to be, and have a high expectation of pain, their births are usually longer and more painful.

When moms are focused on how each contraction is bringing their baby to them… their birth is usually swifter.

Having a strong bond with your baby, and recognizing that you are working together, and everything that is happening is happening to bring you together, in a concrete and real way, makes contractions more effective.

Birth Affirmations For Baby Boy

Enjoy these affirmations just for you and your baby boy.

“Birth is the ultimate gift of love”

“My baby boy and I work together already. “

“To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world.”

“Our adventure is just beginning.”

“I love you already.”

“We will do this together.”

“I trust you know when to come and your birth will be at the perfect time.”

“The love between a mom and her boy is unbreakable.”

“How wonderful life is now that you’re in this world.”

“I gave you life, but really, you gave me mine.”

“My body has created a miracle.”

“The pain of a few hours brings a joy that will last a lifetime.”

“Sweet boy, you are more than we ever expected and better than we imagined.”

“Dear baby boy, you will soon be in my arms.”

“No matter how bad the day has been, it only takes one kick to make everything feel alright.”

“This may be hard, but we can do it together.”

“A baby boy arrives and just like that everything changes. The world gets bigger, hearts grow fuller, and life means more because he’s in it. ”

Bonding With Your Baby Boy While You Are Still Pregnant

Did you know that by 18 weeks of pregnancy your baby boy can hear your voice? Taking just a few minutes to sing to, talk to or share affirmations such as these is an amazing way to bond with your baby. It can also take a significant amount of stress off of you.

Your baby’s attachment to you and their brain development can begin even while they are still in your womb. While there are many studies on this, my favorite place to dig deeper into this is in Dr. Gabor Mate’s teachings. You can find an amazing video here if you want to know how powerful your soothing words can be to your child’s development.

Birth Affirmations For Your Baby Boy Summary

I hope these birth affirmations for you and your boy bring you some joy, some courage, and most of all, help you deepen your bond with your baby. Have an amazing birth mama!

The post Birth Affirmations For Baby Boy appeared first on She Births Bravely.

source https://shebirthsbravely.com/birth-affirmations-for-baby-boy/

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

All You Need To Know About The Bradley Method For Childbirth

Hey mama, have you been exploring your options for childbirth classes? If so, you have probably heard someone mention the Bradley Birth Method and you may be wondering if Bradley classes are right for you. 

Here at She Births Bravely, we love helping moms prepare for empowering, positive birth experiences. We often get asked how our classes compare with other classes such as the Bradley Birth Method. 

I will be totally honest, we are incredibly proud of the results we get our moms in our class, Transformational Birth. However, sometimes Bradley classes for pregnancy are the right choice. 

This article will help you understand the pros and cons of both classes so that you can weigh your own needs with the options available and make the best choice for you. 

What Is The Bradley Birth Method?

Dr. Bradley created the Bradley Birth Method in the 1950s. Lamaze classes and Hypnobirthing classes were also developed in this same general time frame. The quick popularity of these courses was driven by an atmosphere of extreme violence against women during birth. But these methods are powerful, and still used today by mothers seeking a positive and healthy birth experience.

These classes focus on helping mothers achieve a natural, medication-free birth through relaxation and by teaching a woman’s husband to act as a coach throughout the birth. This is why some people call the Bradley Birth Method the husband coached childbirth method.

At the time, when Dr. Bradley created this method, husband, or partner coached labor was a radical idea. You see, when this method was developed, women were often victims of intense medical violence when birthing their babies. It was rare for men to be in the birth room. In fact, many families didn’t have the right to have a husband present for birth even if they wanted to as it was against hospital policy in many places. 

Dr. Bradley presumed that if fathers were more involved with birth, mothers and babies would be healthier and natural labor would be much more attainable. This has since been confirmed by significant amounts of research.

He also presumed that natural labor would keep both mom and baby safer – unless medical intervention was absolutely necessary because of an immediate problem. He frowned on the common practices of routine medical intervention.

Course Objective: the aim of the Bradley birth method is to prepare both a mom and husband to be fully prepared for natural, unmedicated labor. In this class, a husband, or partner is prepared to be a labor coach or doula. Mom’s are taught how to relax through birth and stay healthy during pregnancy.

What Do You Mean By Obstetrical Violence?

The Bradley Birth Method was created to protect moms and babies in a system that was putting them in danger. One of the most scandalous news articles in all history was released in 1957, around the time the Bradley Birth Method was created. This article, written by nurses and mothers, exposed extreme amounts of violence towards birthing women within the walls of the hospital.

This violence consisted of:

  • women being strapped down on their backs with their feet in stirrups for hours with no pain medication while in labor,
  • women’s legs being tied together to ‘keep a baby in’ so a doctor could finish dinner before attending the birth,
  • women being hit or told they would give birth to a brain dead baby if they cried out in pain,
  • doctors cutting the vagina (called an episiotomy) without permission and without pain medication to speed up the birth process

While many changes have been made and actions such as these would land a hospital or doctor in a massive lawsuit, all obstetrical violence has not disappeared.

Does Obstetrical Violence Exist Today?

Many hospitals are very woman and baby-friendly. However, in some hospitals, women still commonly suffer mistreatment at the hands of their doctors and nurses. This can range from disrespect, denial of a women’s right to make informed decisions about her own body and baby, verbal, physical, and even sexual assault during birth.

Studies show that much of this violence is inherent in the hospital system. (Though it is possible to encounter violence during birth out of the hospital as well.) This is a large reason for the home birth movement and the increasing popularity of community birth centers.

If you are wondering what the atmosphere at your local hospital is like, check out tip 11 of my free eBook The 11 Worst Things About Labor, where you can learn how to look up your hospital’s C-section rates and how third parties rate them for mother and baby friendliness.

Now, let’s get back to the classes that brought you here!

What Are Bradley Classes?

husband supported childbirth class

The Bradley Birth Method helps moms have natural, unmedicated birth at either the home hospital or birth center. This method is also sometimes called husband coached birthing because a woman’s partner is the main support person for her through labor. 

The Bradley Birth Method focuses on preparing both you and your partner with skills that will get you get through birth. This allows your partner to meet your needs and advocate and protect you during the process of birth. 

His role is to provide positive encouragement, as well as emotional and physical support. He also learns how to journey with you through the process of birth. 

Your role in the Bradley Birth Method is to take care of yourself with exercises, healthy foods, and mental preparation. That way your mind and body are both prepared for birth when it begins.

Compared to many other methods, the exercises and nutritional information provided in these classes is very detailed. When it comes to preparing the body for birth, the Bradley method is top-notch.

What Does A Bradley Birth Look Like? 

The Bradley Birth Method encourages moms to use relaxation as their main coping strategy for labor. In fact, moms are highly encouraged to spend the majority of their labors in bed, on their left side, in one position.

Because moms learned in-depth nutritional information, moms are less likely to have severe medical complications such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. This can make birth safer for both moms and babies. Also, the exercises can be helpful in making birth more straightforward by aligning the pelvis, adding flexibility to the hip flexors, and toning the birth canal. All of these things help restore the bodies natural ability to birth easily that modern life has interrupted.

Couples also have a strong ability to work together and to advocate for themselves in hospitals that are less mother-friendly after taking Bradley birth classes.

What Does A Bradley Birth Class Look Like?

Typically Bradley classes are small, intimate classes with just 3 to 5 families in any given sequence. 

Each class is typically 3 hours long and there are usually 12 sessions. 

In each class, you will learn childbirth education, practice relaxation techniques and your partner will practice techniques to support you. 

When you sign up for any Bradley Birth Class, you will get a 130 page book that reviews the material you learn in class.

Bradley Birth classes typically cost around $400. Sometimes they are as expensive as $700+. Sometimes they cost less. It really depends on who is teaching in your area and how many students are in the course.

Pros Of The Bradley Birth Method

Bradley Birth Classes Exercises

Bradley classes do an exceptional job of preparing partners to support a woman through birth. They also give parents plenty of time to practice and develop their skills they will need during labor.

These classes are very thorough at preparing families for a natural birth – especially in a hostile setting. If for any reason you have to give birth with a doctor who is not that supportive of your birth plan, or if all the hospitals in your area are poorly rated on the mother/baby friendliness scale, these classes can really help you.

Cons Of The Bradley Birth Method 

One thing that can be off-putting in these courses is the constant use of the phrase’ husband coached birthing.’ Birthing families have many shapes and forms. All of which are equally valuable. If your family isn’t a husband-wife structure, you may want to talk with an instructor before the course and get a feel for the language that will be used, if that is important to you.

The biggest con of Bradley classes is that it focuses so much on staying in bed during birth. This is not an evidence based practice. However, it could be a skill that is needed if you are in a less than supportive environment as was common when this method was created. (Lickily that is rare now!)

My opinion is that this recomendation is more about helping a mom survive birth in a hospital where she won’t be allowed to move around or vocalize her emotions about the intensity of contractions than helping labor progress. In fact, moving during birth can help a baby move into a better position which can help the birth process.

Relaxing peacefully while laying on your side may work for some moms, but it doesn’t for all moms. 

The last downside to these classes is that they can be very long, require work outside the class, and can be very information-heavy. Honestly, most of what moms need to do to prepare for birth is about internal preparation and finding your courage, building your support team, and communicating effectively with your care provider.

Too much information can get in the way of actually doing the things you need to do to be ready for the big day.

How Do Bradley Classes Compare To Your Class, Transformational Birth?

There are things I absolutely love about the Bradley Method for birth. Specifically, the attention to preparing not just the mind, but the body as well. Transformational birth also helps moms prepare for natural, unmedicated labor. However, we also help moms planning for an epidural know how to manage their birth and reduce risks i ntheir births as well.

One of the challenges I’ve seen moms have in Bradley inspired classes is that these classes focus so much on information, that it can be hard to implement the strategies.

Because of that, I don’t just tell you how to do something. I provide you with detailed tools to help you actually make changes to your diet. I don’t tell you that you should be squatting, I teach you how to increase flexibility to your joints in a safe way, so you can develop that skill (because it will help make more space for your baby if you do it correctly.)

Transformational birth is not just about getting information, it’s about having a system that brings you from where you are now, to a place of being emotionally, physically, mentally, and relationship-wise strong and ready for birth.

In Transformational Birth, you will discover a variety of pain coping skills, including relaxation and hypnosis, along with many other strategies to make your labor simple and straightforward.

You also grow in your ability to work with and communicate with your partner. And you will be guided in how to advocate for yourself, pick the right places for birth -for you, and how to advocate for yourself and make educated, informed decisions that protect and your baby and your birth experience.

Who Is The Bradley Birth Method Right For?

Bradley Birth classes are an excellent choice for in person classes. There are also online versions available if you look. They are great for couples that want to grow together and spend a significant amount of time preparing for birth as a family. They are also perfect for moms who for one reason or the other are birthing with a less than supportive care provider or in a hospital that doesn’t provide much support to moms who want a natural birth.

Who Is Transformational Birth Right For?

Bradley Birth For Pregnancy Breathing Exercise

Transformational Birth focuses on helping moms prepare mind, body, baby, and partner to work together in birth. It is for moms who have a priority of a healthy baby, healthy mama, and want that experience to also be pretty magical as well.

This birth class can be used for moms birthing at the hospital, birth center, or at home. It can also be used by moms planning to use epidurals or to go natural. It will help you address birth fears and overcome challenges that are intrinsic to the birth process.

This class is taught in 40 daily 10-minute videos that help a mom understand how she can make birth safer and more rewarding. It is for moms that want to be a part of an online community and support system, who are willing to practice and implement the strategies taught. Because of the style of teaching, this class will work very well for moms with time and energy constraints.

How Does Hypnobirthing Compare To Other Classes?

We have a comprehensive list of birthing classes on our blog. If you want to explore how hypnobirthing compares to other classes such as Lamaze, Bradley Classes and Hypnobabies, feel free to peruse this article.

The Bradley Birth Method Explained TL/DR

Key Takeaway – Your partner can coach and guide you through birth by offering you positive encouragement, advocating for your needs, and supporting you with various comfort measures. You can prepare for birth by creating healthy habits of the mind and in your body to be ready for birth.

The Bradley Birth Method is a class that is based on the belief that when husbands (or other partners) are present for birth moms and babies are safer and healthier. By preparing the body and mind, natural unmedicated birth is available to most moms.

Transformational Birth is a birth class that will help you prepare body, mind, baby, and partner for birth to work together as a whole, unified team. It will also help you prioritize the things you can do to make your birth as safe and rewarding as possible.

I hope this article helped you understand the pros and cons of Bradley classes compared to  Transformational Birth. We would LOVE to help you prepare for a fabulous birth. Our next class starts on the first of the month! If you have any questions reach out to Suzzie at contact @shebirthsbravely.com.

The post All You Need To Know About The Bradley Method For Childbirth appeared first on She Births Bravely.

source https://shebirthsbravely.com/bradley-method/

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Lamaze Classes: Are They Worth It?

Are you a mom-to-be looking for the right birthing class to make your childbirth experience more natural and joyful? Then I’m sure your relatives and friends must have recommended Lamaze. The Lamaze technique is among the oldest, most popular, and loved birthing techniques.

I personally attended Lamaze classes when I was pregnant with my second daughter. I can tell you they are super effective. But it is natural to have questions like what do Lamaze classes teach? Are they really helpful? And most importantly, are these the right birthing classes for me?

Here at She Births Bravely, we help moms prepare for powerful and authentic births. I often have people ask me, how does your class, the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge compare to other classes, specifically Lamaze classes.

Well, you need to understand, we are super proud of our class and the results we get for our moms. That said, there are times when a Lamaze class may be the better option. So what this article is going to do is explain to you honestly and transparently the pros and the cons of both classes.

Then, by the end, you will have a great sense of which is the best choice for you. 

What Are Lamaze Classes About?

Founded by a French obstetrician Dr. Fernand Lamaze, the Lamaze technique has been around since the 1950s. Lamaze became famous because of rhythmic breathing techniques. Breathing can reduce the fear of labor and help moms cope with pain during contractions.

But, that is not all that the Lamaze technique is about. Lamaze classes also teach you different techniques and exercises to manage the pain associated with labor and childbirth. And another great thing about these classes is that they give you some very useful research-based information regarding pregnancy.

Course Objective:  The aim of Lamaze classes is to help moms-to-be prepare for safe, healthy, and natural childbirth. It does this by teaching rhythmic breathing techniques and provided research-based information about childbirth.

What Does A Lamaze Class Teach You?

women smiling in a lamaze class looking at camera

This technique is based on six evidence-based birth practices. These practices help moms have a healtheir and safer birth experience. What are the six Lamaze principals?

Lamaze Principal 1: Wait For Spontaneous Natural Labor

This technique is based on the fact the natural labor is your body’s way of indicating that it is ready to give birth. This also increases the chances of your baby being healthier. The Lamaze stance is that labor should only be induced, or started by medicine, if it is medically necessary immediately.

Lamaze Principal 2: Be On Your Feet Throughout Labor

When you walk and change positions in labor, it helps you deal with intense contractions so that your body continues going into labor. And it also allows your baby to travel from your pelvis to the birth canal gently.

Lamaze Principal 3: Take Your Partner, A Close Family Member Or Friend To The Hospital

Having the support of a near and dear one during birth boosts your morale and gives you confidence. You can also take your doula with you.

Lamaze Principal 4: Don’t Opt For Medical Interventions Unless Absolutely Necessary

Research shows that unnecessary medical intervention during labor doesn’t do any good and carries risk. You should only choose medical treatments if they are absolutely necessary.

Lamaze Principal 5: Trust Your Body When It Tells You It’s Time To Push

Research shows that allowing moms to push when their body feels the need to push aids in making the birth experience positive.

Lamaze Principal 6: Hold Your Baby On Your Chest Right After Birth

Your baby should be placed on your chest skin to skin for the first hour after birth. This provides continual benefits to mom and baby. If there are no problems, all tests, weighing and procedures should wiat until after this time.

What Happens At A Lamaze Class?

There are around six classes (a total of 12 hours) in the course that last for six to eight weeks. There are classes that are taught over a long weekend. Lamaze classes are given in birthing centers or hospitals or an independent business place.

In a typical Lamaze class, you will begin each session by talking about your fears and concerns about your upcoming birth. You will then learn about the emotional and physical changes that happen in each stage of labor. Your instructor will then take you and your partner through exercises that will help you work together to get through contractions.

You will also discover important nutrition facts that will support your pregnancy and birth. You will learn the advantages of breastfeeding. You will go over some of the basic changes that happen to your body during the third trimester.

In the last Lamaze class, most instructors will take you through a labor simulation. In this process, you will have to place your hand in a bucket of ice water for the length of a contraction. Your partner will then help you through it using the comfort measures you learned in class. You will usually repeat this for about 10 to 30 minutes, to get the feeling of the rhythm of birth.

What Is The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge About?

My interest in childbirth education was sparked when I was a new doula. A doula is essentially a childbirth coach or companion. For part of my training, I had to volunteer at several different childbirth classes. I then attended several births of the women in these classes.

And I noticed a HUGE problem.

Most moms who took a childbirth class were prepared well for a straightforward birth.

But…. not all moms had a straightforward birth.

Many moms were having labors that were far more compliated than what was presented in the class. Challenges that made birth more difficult, more painful, and made medical intervention the right choice.

This led me to begin asking a new question. Why are some births complicated and dangerous, and other births straightforward and safe? And is there anything a mom can do to encourage her birth to be straightforwards and safe?

My efforts in exploring this question eventually led to me creating my own course. You can find my answers to that question in the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge.

What Do You Learn In The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge?

I certainly agree full-heartedly with the principals of the Lamaze classes. There is a reason they have been so popular for such a long time. The Lamaze principals are backed by research. It can certainly help moms get through labor without interventions most of the time.

In the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge, you will find many similarities.

  1. You will learn both breathing techniques and relaxation techniques.
  2. Together with your partner, you will learn to cope with pain. As you work together your sense of respect and trust in each other will grow.
  3. You will practice simple exercises that make birth safer and easier. The goal is to restore flexibility and tone where you need it to keep you safe. These exercises also help your baby get into an ideal position for birth, which makes birth more straightforward.
  4. And of course, nutrition. The proper foods can significantly reduce your risk for life-threatening complications such as preeclampsia and preterm birth.

The objective of the the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge is to have you, your partner, your body, and your baby ready for birth. We want to both prepare you for birth AND make your birth a straightforward and simple process.

For moms that choose a natural, drug-free birth, this course will prepare them better than any course currently on the market. We believe that natural birth is attainable to any well prepared, well-supported mom.

For moms who choose an epidural, this class will help them reduce risks and minimize the challenges an epidural can add to a birth experience.

What Makes The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge Different Than Other Birth Classes?

Where we really excel is presenting this information in a way that helps you embody it. The truth is, preparing your body, mind, baby, and relationship for birth takes work. Yes, it is rewarding work, but it is work.

We also know that moms have more demands on their bodies, time, and relationships than usual during pregnancy. Instead of long weekly classes, Healthy Start Birth Prep is a small daily commitment to preparing for birth. Lessons are ten minutes long over the course of 8 weeks. This means moms can get their childbirth prep done even if they are busy and overwhelmed.

We also know that making life changes and putting attention on preparing for birth can be difficult. That is why we created an online community of moms. In this space, moms share frustrations and challenges they are facing. Together, moms work towards positive birth experiences.

Plus, we call it a challenge because when you actually do the things that help you have a safer, more straightforward birth, like eating a nutritious meal or doing stretches that will help protect your pelvic floor, you can win super awesome giveaways. I know motivation can be hard to find when you have so much on your plate, that’s why we help you find it.

We don’t want you to just know what you can do to make birth easier, safer and more rewarding, but have the community, friendship and motivation to actually do the things that will help you meet your goal.

How Do I Know Which Class Is Right For Me?

By now, you probably have a pretty good sense of what each class is about. Of course, we would absolutely love to have you in the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge. Our classes start on the first of every month.

That being said, if you prefer in person classes, Lamaze classes are an excellent choice.

I would encourage you to choose a class where you feel safe asking your questions, working with your partner, and moving towards the birth you want. A mother’s intuition is almost always right when it comes to which class is best for her.

Who Teaches Lamaze Classes And The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge?


Lamaze classes are only taught by their professional  Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators (LCCE). This is their way of ensuring that you are being taught the right techniques and are given the right information. Certified Instructors are available in a wide range of areas, and you can find one in your region online through the Lamaze website. Online classes are also available for your ease.

Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge

The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge is taught by me Suzzie Vehrs. I am certified as a doula and in providing childbirth education through Birth Arts International. I also have a Bachelor of Science in Economics through Brigham Young University.

How Much Do Lamaze Classes Cost Compared to the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge

Lamaze classes typically cost between $150-$350. The cost depends on the region and instructor. Some of the less expensive classes are weekend classes or shortened condensed classes.

The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge is $347.

Keep in mind, you may be able to be reimbursed for some of these expenses through your insurance. You can also usually use Health Savings Accounts to cover childbirth education. This includes both Lamaze classes and the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge.

When Is The Right Time to Take Lamaze Classes?

Like most birthing classes, it is best to take Lamaze classes or the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge at the end of the second trimester or the beginning of the third trimester.

Do Birth Classes Gaurantee My Birth Will Be Safe And Easy?

Even though these classes do help you manage pain, be more relaxed during labor and birth, and help in giving birth naturally, you need to accept the fact that childbirth doesn’t always go as expected or planned. And the birth experience is not the same for everyone. It can be quite intense and painful for some women, while others may find it quicker and easier. Medical interventions may be necessary in some cases.

That being said, many studies confirm that when a mom takes a high-quality childbirth education class she is less likely to have a c-section or need medical interventions. The knowledge you gain during a childbirth class will help you decrease your risks and make informed decisions along the way.

How Do Lamaze Classes Compare to Hypnobirthing Classes?

lamaze vs hypnobirthing

Although both the techniques involve ways to help expectant mothers with natural childbirth, Lamaze and hypnobirthing are based on totally different techniques. While Lamaze focuses on research-based practices for a healthy birth, hypnobirthing is all about dealing with pain through self-hypnosis using positive affirmations, hypnosis tracks, controlled breathing, and meditation.

Hypnobirthing involves going into a deep relaxation mode by using hypnosis techniques that help in relaxing the body muscles of the mom-to-be during labor. It is based on the work of Dr. Dick-Read, an English obstetrician, which states that pain caused during labor is linked with the fear of labor, which increases the heart rate and makes the blood flow away from the uterus.

You can read out detailed explanation of hypnobirthing here.

TL/DR Are Lamaze Classes Still a Thing and Are They Actually Helpful?


Lamaze classes were quite popular in the 80s and 90s, and they are definitely still around today. Lamaze classes are designed to help you have a healthy, safe natural childbirth.

The Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge is an online childbirth course that helps you prepare your body, mind, baby, and partner to work together through birth. It totally prepares you for birth whether you are going natural or not. So that you can have a straightforward, safe birth.

As I’ve worked with mothers over the years, I’ve noticed that many moms have a high priority of avoiding an unnecessary c-section and nurturing their relationship through birth. It’s true, both of these classes will help with those goals.

Lamaze classes are perfect for moms who want an in person, class.

Healthy Start Birth Prep is perfect for busy moms. These are the moms who have demands on their time and energy. They will benefit from the support of an online class in many ways. First, the flexibility to choose when to watch classes. Second, the friendship and encouragement of other moms also preparing for birth in the exclusive online community. Third, because when you do the things in the Healthy Start Birth Prep, you are entered to win amazing giveaways.

I hope this article helped you understand the pros and cons of Lamaze classes compared to the Healthy Start Birth Prep Challenge. We would LOVE to help you prepare for a fabulous birth. Our next class starts on the first of the month! If you have any questions reach out to Suzzie at contact @shebirthsbravely.com.

The post Lamaze Classes: Are They Worth It? appeared first on She Births Bravely.

source https://shebirthsbravely.com/lamaze-classes/