Friday, October 25, 2019

Welcome to motherhood where there are no hard questions and life is simple. Your child will be perfect, and well, if they are not, it is your fault and no one else’s. 

Don’t compare yourself, but more importantly, don’t fail. 

Love who you are, but don’t forget you are competing. 

If you fall behind, you better not break. Forget your depression, your exhaustion, your fear. Stop making things up and appreciate what you have. 

It’s what they tell you and what they expect, all while hiding the truth behind it all, it’s harder than you think and it’s all set against you. 

Don’t believe me? 

Then ask, why a new study shows more infants are dying nearly as soon as they breathe, in our country alone, we face death with our choices. 

“The United States has the highest first-day death rate in the industrialized world. An estimated 11,300 newborn babies die each year in… on the day they are born. This is 50 percent more first-day deaths than all other industrialized countries combined.

And what do they say is the problem here? Is it our systems, our healthcare, our customs or our values? 

No, it’s our mothers, they say, who just can’t be bothered. If you give them a moment, they might try to convince you, we don’t love our children and purposely lose them. 

There answer to suffering? Blame the mother.

“Half of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned, another complicating factor, the report says. Women whose pregnancies are accidental are much less likely to take good care of themselves and to get thorough prenatal care, from vaccines to vitamins, that can protect the baby and her.” 

NBC knows us, or are they missing the point? 

Why not blame the mother, its easy to do. A scapegoat, an out, an easy escape. If YOU take the blame then nothing has to be done. Policy doesn’t have to change and we can pretend to be that great nation we always proclaim. 

But if you open your eyes and ask a question or two, you might just wonder if it’s the mother at all. 

They say stress is bad for the baby. Breathe deep and don’t worry, it will be fine. Divert your attention from that bill for $10,000 you know will be coming, if you’re lucky that is. Just hope there are no complications or that number could triple. Because that is the cost of birth if it’s simple.

It’s your fault you’re stressed. Blame the mother, is what they say. Doesn’t money grow on trees for you?

And if you’re like the majority carefully planning how to make those ends meet and plan for those bills, don’t you dare let your relationship suffer for one second. 35 minutes a day is all you need for connection. Because that’s all that’s left after two people work. That’s fine, that’s okay, don’t complain, keep it together. More positive talk and that romance will last. Change your mindset dear, that is all it takes, they say. If things fall apart, it’s only because you let it. It’s your fault, they say. Blame the mother.

The problem couldn’t be bad advice from a doctor. A true story here, I hired my doctor to advise me in pregnancy. I asked about nutrition, the expert advice? Just drink a coke Slurpee. 7-11 is all you need. It will keep you alive while the morning sickness rages. 

Should this be surprising when the studies say, only 20 percent of medical schools even require the minimum hours of the study of nutrition? Are they really health experts or disease case managers?

But criticize our doctors for giving advice that makes us sick? No, it’s not them, they’re unquestionable. They went to school for so many years. They could never lead you astray. Something went wrong? The blame is yours and your alone. Blame the mother.

They say preterm babies are more likely to die, we have more of those than any other country, but why? 

It couldn’t have anything to do with unlicensed untested drugs recommended across the board, as if we were born incapable of surviving or all made the same. Get the flu shot they say, it doesn’t matter if it’s only a 30 percent match this year. If you get it you’re a good mom, if you don’t you are bad.  Wear that F on your arm to cover your shame, a failure, you put your own child at risk. It only raises the chance of miscarriage 7 times says the CDC’s own study. But don’t worry, don’t ask questions, just follow our lead. It won’t happen to you, if death’s not properly tracked, it’s really not real. You suffered a loss, don’t worry, it must have been you that did something wrong. That’s what they would have you believe. Blame the mother.

And what about the shot with the black box warning given mere moments after birth? It stays death has happened upon admission and yet we give it to all babies? Yes, I’m talking about vitamin K injections. Could that have anything to do with it? No of course not, even though other countries use oral vitamins instead of shots. Don’t ask, don’t question if this could be a problem. If something happens it’s only because you didn’t take care of yourself, my dear mother. Blame the mother, that is what they say.

And then you dared question the other shot given at birth, The one that lists SIDS on the insert as a possible side effect. You wanted to know, how often this occurs, what are the risks, can you give me more data, please? No, they say. Get the shot at birth. Don’t ask, don’t question and don’t delay. If you wait too long, your child loses her right to a public education. So you want to know more, too bad. Good moms don’t ask, they silently accept and deal with the consequences. Unless you live somewhere else, anywhere else, where there’s screening and judgment and a thoughtful use only when benefits truly outweigh the risk. But here, If something goes wrong, blame the mother. It’s your fault. Balme the mother, that’s the easy thing to do.

You wonder why other countries use less interventions, with inductions, with c-sections and with vaccinations? 

You see they have lower infant mortality rates. Could those interventions be part of the problem? the graphs seem convincing, but don’t you forget, correlation is not causation if makes you question the norm. Don’t dig further, don’t ask questions, don’t look for trends. Unless it’s about hair, makeup, and nails. Or maybe about which shade of neutral is most popular now.  

Oh wait, you read a study and don’t agree with the methodology? Too bad, you’re not smart enough, leave the big decisions to the experts. The science is settled. The questions have been asked. Don’t read a book with numbers, and studies and data. It’s all been done for you, you don’t have to worry. That’s how science works now, it’s trust and faith, not seeing for yourself. Because if you don’t know, then you accept what they say. It’s your fault they say. Blame the mother they say. Don’t accept what they say.

Besides dear, mother don’t you have to go back to work? Don’t let yourself think of how a dog gets 6 weeks with her babies, but you dear human, only get two. 

Oh in other places they get about a year to bond and to play and recover as a mother after birth, but you can’t be worn out from 40 weeks of giving your body to someone else!  

Of 195 countries throughout the world, only 5 don’t offer paid maternity leave. That’s right, Lesotho, Liberia, Papua, New Guinea, Swaziland and you named it, the United States, the greatest of great nations, so don’t criticize. 

We say we value family, we support our mothers. We expect them to stay home, to work, to be fulfilled and happy and absorb all the problems pouring in from every direction. If anything goes wrong, we know exactly who to blame.  

It doesn’t matter that 1 in 4 must return to work two weeks after a baby is born just so nobody starves. 

Don’t worry about your life after baby, you may just be lucky to get there. The US has the worst rates of maternal death in the developed world. And the only country where this number is steadily climbing. There’s only one reason though, you don’t care, didn’t plan, aren’t taking care of yourself. It’s all your fault they say, but it’s not true. Blame the mother they say, but we will not accept. We know better.

So why is it that we are the only country where mothers and babies suffer at such high rates?

Is it the mothers? Do we not care? Have we neglected our children, our heirs, our future? Do we enjoy watching them suffer or worse visiting their graves?

I say no. 

It is not you, it’s not your fault, the blame is not yours.

Blame the mothers they say, but it’s only a lie.

A lie to distract you and silence you and stop you.

But we won’t accept abuse and gaslighting.

You are smart enough. 

You are clever enough. 

Your intuition is screaming the truth. 

I SEE YOU brave woman. 

Fighting every day for that life you created on purpose or on accident. 

You chose to keep them and honor that heartbeat. 

You chose life. 

Your intuition, ignite it, don’t hide it, my love. 

Keep fighting on, and you will make it. 

Don’t let them blame you,

Don’t let them take you down,

Stand up for what you know, 

Do your own research

Make decisions from your heart 

And make the world different today.

Tomorrow is a new day,

One that we shape and create. 

May we honor our sacrifice, and that of our mothers’ as well. 

That our daughters will know more than gaslighting and loss. 

written by

Suzzie Vehrs

Suzzie Vehrs is the author of Divine Birth, a book to inspire mothers to have an empowered and positive birth experience and a contributor to the book Naturally Inspired, a book written by nurses, mothers and researchers about creating a healthy life in 2019. She works to help mothers have access to information about nutrition, birth and health so they can make informed decisions for their family. You can find her writing at She Births Bravely or hire her as a doula to support your birth. 

You can take 20% off of all motherhood and health and wellness books from her publisher using code Suzzie20


Jump into owning your life:

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Divine Birth 

For celebrating motherhood 

The post appeared first on She Births Bravely.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Who else thinks these doula benefits are totally awesome?

If you are a millennial mom, you have probably heard the word doula. Especially if you keep up with celebrities like Kristin Bell, Mayim Bialik and the dozens of other celebrities who have recently raved about having a doula attend their birth. Doula benefits are not just about comfort and convenience during birth, but directly impact the health and happiness of a birthing mother and her family.

If ‘doula’ is a new word to you, a doula is a person who attends the birth to provide continuous emotional and physical support to the laboring mother. Doula services are one of the best ways to improve your childbirth experience and have many benefits for the mother and entire family.

Mayim Bialik hired a doula and so should you.

You do not have to be a celebrity to have a doula at your birth. In fact, every expecting mother should put finding a great doula at the top of her priority list. Here’s why.

These 5 doula benefits that show exactly why doulas are so popular:

1. Having a doula attend your birth reduces the length of labor by 25%

There are few events in life that are as intense, stressful and emotional as birth. Not to mention birth requires as much exertion as running a marathon. It is no surprise that many mothers find themselves reaching a place of feeling overwhelmed and wonder if they will make it through. One of the great doula benefits is that you always have someone helping you see the end and guiding you when you are unsure how you will get there. A doula can help you focus, release and relax so that your contractions can be productive and move you towards birth. Studies have shown that having a doula by your side can reduce the length of your labor by up to 25%. Having continual support through your birth means meeting your baby sooner without sacrificing your birth plan.

Are you wondering how you will cope with birth? Check out our ultimate list of labor coping techniques you need to know.

2. Having a doula attend your birth improves your relationship with your partner.

One study asked mothers to compare their relationship with their partners before and after their baby’s birth. Seventy percent of the mothers who had a doula reported feeling more satisfied with their relationship at six weeks postpartum. Only 30 percent of the moms who did not have a doula felt their relationship improved after birth.

Birth can be very intimate. Some birth partners remember the childbirth classes, read books and remember how to help the mother they care about. But they are by far the exception, not the rule. Most partners are experiencing the birth in their own way. They are an active participant in the emotional unfolding that is birth. Having a doula allows the mother to have a coach and allows the partner to participate in the birth in a way that comes naturally and easily to their own personality.

Is your partner hesitant about working with a doula? Take time to understand their concerns and nudge them towards hiring a doula. These 3 strategies may help you with that conversation.

3. Having a doula reduces the need for epidural anesthesia by 60%.

Epidurals can absolutely be a useful tool during labor. However, they do not come without risks and should be used with intention and not like candy. Like any drug, there are side effects that should be considered. (As well as several benefits!) Studies have found that epidural use can lead to an increased c-section rate, longer pushing stage as well as an increased rate of episiotomies. The drugs in an epidural do pass through the placenta to the baby. And though further research is needed, one study has found that epidural use might interfere with the infant’s instinctual breastfeeding behaviors.

Reducing the need for an epidural means that the birthing person is coping well with contractions, moving through labor and not suffering. Having a doula help you feel grounded, centered, and safe can reduce your need for an epidural if that is what you wish. This is an excellent doula benefit that directly improves the health of the birthing mother and child.

4. Having a doula increases your chance of breastfeeding success.

Studies show that women who have a doula attend their birth have more success breastfeeding, even if they encounter challenges along the way. It is thought that the reason behind this is because when women birth with a doula by their side, the usually develop a deep sense of trust in their own bodies and capabilities.

5. Having a doula at your birth reduces the chance of needing a c-section by 51%.

C-sections can be a wonderful way to birth your child. In some situations, they are needed and lifesaving. They can also be peaceful and positive experiences. However, they do come with risk and additional recovery time.  Cesarean section has a 5 to 10 times greater mortality and morbidity rate than vaginal deliveries. Often, women prefer to avoid a c-section if possible and chose this option if it becomes medically necessary. Some women prefer to schedule a c-section for their own reasons and should be supported in their choice.

Here are the 2018 Seattle c-section stats:

This is the overall C/S rate for 2018. Keep in mind hospitals taking on higher risk patients like UW and Swedish First Hill, will naturally have higher rates:

  • Evergreen: 31.6%
  • Northwest: 19.4%
  • Overlake: 30.5
  • Providence Everett: 18.4%
  • Swedish Edmonds: 32.1%
  • Swedish Issaquah: 24.3%
  • Swedish Ballard: 23.1%
  • Swedish First Hill: 25.6%
  • UW: 38.1%
  • Valley (Renton): 26.0%

These rates were compiled from this website. If you are not from Seattle, you can look up the hospitals in your own area as well.

All of these Seattle c-section rates are above the World Health Organization’s recommendation that c-section rates should not exceed 10-15% of all births. If avoiding an unnecessary c-section is important to you, one of the great doula benefits to you is that your doula can help you come up with strategies to reduce your risk and improve your likelihood of success with this goal. While there are no guarantees that you can avoid a c-section, as they can be medically necessary, your doula can help you through your birth in ways that will help you avoid an unnecessary procedure.

If you are having a c-section, a doula can still support you. You will need to have support through labor until the point you receive pain-numbing medication, you will need support as you process what is going on during surgery and a doula can make sure that if your baby needs to be taken anywhere after birth, you will not be left alone and have an advocate for any needs or questions you have.

What exactly does a doula do?

A doula will do anything that will support your family during birth. The word doula itself is derived from a Greek word which means ‘woman who serves.’ Because every mother is different, the way a doula will serve will change with every birth. You can see 25 ways a doula can support your birth here. A doula’s greatest skill is leading by following. This means that she is observing the mother, she is paying attention to where the mother is in birth emotionally and physically, and responding to those needs in ways that help the mother’s labor progress while bringing the mother comfort and peace. This can be anything from applying counterpressure during contractions, suggesting labor positions or helping the mother find and use her voice.

Overall, the greatest of all the doula benefits is that a doula increases the chances you will be happy with your birth experience.

When 1 in 3 women report experiencing some kind of trauma during birth, it is important that you take steps before your big day to find the right team to support you and gather the right education to guide you through your birth. By design, birth is physiologically sound. Your body is made to birth. With preparation, many moms have ecstatic births. In fact, you can see incredibly love stories written in these waterbirth pictures.and an immense amount of tenderness and accomplishment as these mothers hold their babies for the first time. At the end of the day, your doula believes in birth and believes in you. Which is something every woman needs to be reminded of as she is challenged through the process of bringing new life to earth.

If you are an expecting Seattle mom, make sure to check out our doula services. I would love to support you as you birth.

The post Who else thinks these doula benefits are totally awesome? appeared first on She Births Bravely.
